Never Trust the Silent Ones

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Annabeth was less than pleased. She slapped me, took Estelle from me and attempted to calm everyone down.

    "Estelle is Percy's sister, Geez! I am NOT pregnant!" She then proceeded to let out a string of Greek curses that I would not repeat. I had to cover Estelle's ears, there were so many of them.

    While the rest of the campers processed the new information, there was another pause of silence. It was kind of peaceful too, until Chirion broke it.

    "My word, Lord Poesidon broke the oath again?"

And so chaos entered the world. Just kidding, it wasn't chaos. Just dropped jaws, whispering conspiracies, pitted looks thrown in my direction that I hadn't seen since Tyson was claimed, and exactly three exclamations of surprise.

It's time for a Persassy intervention.

    "I sure hope not. Drama King up there can't handle one of me! I should train Stella here to wield sass as a weapon to take down the fiercest opponents! Paul and Mom wouldn't like that too much so we're not going to tell them, isn't that right Stella?"

"Oh schist, DK isn't going to like that!"

"We don't need another war!"

"For my father's sake, it's a joke! She's a mortal! She's Sally and Paul's kid!!" — thanks Nico, I don't want to deal with them.

    I was trying to train Estelle in the art of secret-keeping, but she just kept yelling "Fight! Shh!". We both broke into giggles, she'll get the hang of a secret soon enough. Unfortunately the rest of camp hasn't grasped that idea.

    Look I love the campers and I know I might not be the best influence but I will protect Stella as much as I can. I think she's a little too young to learn how to fight with a knife, no matter what Clarisse says.

    I hardly got the chance to stop Harley from going to Bunker 9 and making Estelle a knife to fit her tiny hands before my godly family decided that now would be the perfect time to tell me about the birds and bees.

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