I Hate Paparazzi

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When you're a half-blood, ADHD has its benefits. Keeping track of all the faces sprouting random and absurd questions.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"How did we never find out?"

"Who delivered her and more importantly am I responsible for her health?"

"Does she have allergies? Imagine if she was allergic to blue food dye!"

"What happened in the stables?! Frank's a bunny and no one else is telling me!"

"Coach is going to kill you."

"Bro no! Thalia will get to him before Coach Hedge's microphone can go: the cow goes moo!!" — yeah that one is Leo

"Wanna Bet?" — not a good sign if Conner opened a betting pool...

"10 dramachas on Gleeson, but I want a piece of Prissy too."

"What's her name?"

I was still processing why Coach, Clairisse and Thalia were going to beat me up/kill me so Annabeth answered for me, "Estelle.  Stella for short. I can't believe Percy hasn't mentioned her yet! You're in hot water this time, Seaweed Brain!"

    Annabeth just laughed it off but the next barrage of questions were a little bit shocking, at least they were toward Annabeth this time.

"Why didn't YOU tell us?" — easy there, Estelle's MY sister not Annie's and I am not overly fond of sharing.

"You could've died!" – Well that's a tad bit over dramatic...It also makes zero sense. But there is always a possibility of death so maybe 11% sense. Why 11, I don't know but it's better than a 12% chance of death.

"What if you had a miscarriage during a fight?" — Wait, Katie Gardner?! Say what now??

"How did you even hide the baby bump?" — They really think?!? Me and Annabeth?? (too shocked for grammar)

"How long ago was she born?"


"I'm practically your sister so that makes me an aunt, right? Right?!!"

"Why wouldn't you want us to know?!" — Oof sad disappointed Malcom voice, that's gotta hurt.

    This would have gone on longer if I hadn't intervened. This was the only time I would get a chance like this so I had to choose my words very carefully...


"Annabeth! Why didn't you tell me ?!" I readjusted Estelle so that I was on one knee with Stella balancing on my knee, holding her so that Stella could reach Annabeth's stomach. "Stella quick! Can you hear a baby heartbeat?!!"

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