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There they were, their legs dangling over the river that was just under where they were sitting.
A soft breeze rustled the leaves above them, Zen was rocking rhythmically from left to right while Liv hummed a little tune. "Hey Liv?" The ginger perked up and smiled at her friend. "Mm-mm?" Liv hummed in response, focussing on some glistening rocks in the water below. "Let's just appreciate that we can finally have more time together than we ever could.. and in a forest as magical as this one too!" Zenny giggled. Liv straightened up her back and smirked a bit "Right.. Time together." She laughed a bit to herself, much to the confusion of her spunky friend who spoke up in confusion "What, is something wrong with that?" She tilted her head.
Liv shook her head and grinned "Oh, it's just that a certain someone has been spending less and less time with her good buddy here... Hmmmm, sure wonder why..." she turned her head to the left, Zen turned hers as well to follow her gaze and spotted the boys attempting fishing.
It was chaotic, Taiju was splashing around in the river trying to catch fish, but apparently letting them go before he could get a proper hold of them. The science-obsessed nerd Senku wouldn't allow for the possibility of failure, so with what he had he had begun crafting an overly-complicated fishing rod for his friend.
Zen and Liv watched them for a while before Zen turned back to looking at her friend and asked "Yeah..? What's with them?" She had a pondering look on her face. With a little snort Liv gently pushed against her friend playfully and corrected her "Not them, you silly bean.. Look next to them!" She pointed further down the stream. Her eyes followed the streaming water down and around until she finally spotted the tall figure her best friend had been talking about.
Slightly hunched over, he was carefully picking something up from the river floor, didn't look like he was particularly interested in fish, his big spear laying on the side near the water.
After a short while the young man straightened his back, brushing his long silky hair behind his ear and looking at what he had found, assessing it.
A seashell.

"Tsukasa?" Zen's eyes looked wide at Liv right beside her. Liv couldn't help but laugh at her quirky friend's reaction. "Yeah, Tsukasa." She nodded and looked at the little redhead whose expression kept changing, as if she was having a heated debate inside her own mind about how to respond.
"...He's taking our time together?" Zenny looked concerned, so Liv shook her head, quickly correcting her "No, I mean you really like spending time with him!... It's cute." The silverhaired girl adjusted her position on the branch they were sitting on before deciding to hop down. "Woah, hold on!" Her friend hurried "You're giving me mixed signals here, is this a good thing or not?" Zen was about to jump down too before Liv turned around and gave her a stern but loving look.
"You know I don't think he's the best guy out there, but if you like him and he's not hurting you... Then go get him!" Despite her stern look, she clearly meant well.
Zen nodded "Thanks for understanding, besides, you know I've got good taste!" She laughed and tried to strike a confident pose whilst perched in her branch.
With a little chuckle Liv turned to leave "I know, just be careful!" She said before going over to Senku to see what he was working on.
For a while Zen sat alone watching her friends figuring out the most optimal way to fish, before she turned her head up to the sky and basking in the sunlight drippling through the leaves.
A thought popped into her mind.
Wait, what did she mean by 'go get him?'-

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