Chapter Ten Meeting of old friends

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Two months later, in Yunmeng. Hua Ying was walking the streets with Le' Fray, they walked past many stalls as the headed for the inn and got a private room on the roof to chat.

How is your father? asked Hua Ying

He is well enough for now, A-Ying I won't be seeing you for a while though they need me, I just came to see how you were doing, A-Shi is worried about you said A-Frayer

Le' Fray, I am well as expected, I am busy, so I don't think too much. You and A-Shi should know this too many ghosts enter the mortal realm to sell their wares many of them cause trouble. Hua Ying replied as he as he heard a commotion below sticking his head out four ghosts were fighting over the flowers scaring the florist of the cart.

Ladies you know it's forbidden to scare mortals said Hua Ying looking down as the four ghosts looked up. They brightened up immediately

Black heart bleeding? Is that truly you? Asked the one ghost

We didn't mean to scare him pouted the second

That is fine as Hua Ying looked up and grinned, do me a favor and I will get you all the flowers you will ever need said Hua Ying as he laughed come on up, then he turned to Le' Fray, the voices are getting worse but, the taint is under control I am still safe, Yama is trying his best but with me out there killing the Yinn Demons, I haven't made it easy on anyone he said as the four ghosts ran up to him.

Here's what you need to do he said as he picked the flowers the girls bought up. Then they ran down.

Why you torture yourself with him asked A-Frayer as she looked down toward the street.

He kissed me, then stole my flower I had on my chest, then he dares hold my hand when I reached for ChenQing and then let go slowly sliding the same hand slowly and held my waist said Hua Ying, also no one gets away with hurting me, that will ruin my reputation. You can't hate me but still want me near you.

When? Asked A-Frayer

At the phoenix mountain, I was blindfolded but I will never forget replied Hua Ying.

Alright just don't get hurt yourself again Le' Fray said worryingly

A-Frayer, it's in the stars for me to suffer pain even fate can't change that no matter how hard she tries, and it is something I just have to get use to and whenever I visit the mortal realm there will be a chance that I will bump into him said Hua Ying.

Hugging him, I love you A-Ying, you are loved even by him, even if he doesn't realize it. I have to go; I will see you again said A-Frayer as she tossed her coin and walked through the portal.

Hua Ying returned to the window to watch the show. Then sighed as he went up to the balcony and sat on the divan and looked down smiling. The people on the streets lowered their voices slightly and looked to the end of the street.

From there, a white-robed man wearing a forehead ribbon slowly approached, carrying with him a sword and a zither. The more well-known ones were brave enough and went forth to salute him. Lan Zhan nodded slightly, returning the salutations without fault, and didn't cease in his steps. The other cultivators didn't dare bother him too much, knowing to back off.

Suddenly, however, from ahead of him came a young, grinning girl dressed in vibrant colors. In a hurry, she brushed shoulders with him, but suddenly tossed something toward his body. Nimbly, Lan Zhan caught the object. He looked down to find a stalk of Jamine as white as snow. The buds were delicate and fresh, having gathered some dew. As Lan Zhan maintained his silence.

Another slender figure approached from in front of him. With a wave of her hand, a stalk of small, blue-forget-me-nots was tossed at him. It was aiming for his chest but ended up on his shoulder. Lan Zhan caught it as well. When he turned to look, the woman giggled before running away without even a hint of embarrassment.

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