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Koko was at his place smoking.
He looked at his phone and threw it away.
He had big eye bags showing that he hardly slept the last few nights.

Inui knocked and Koko was up on the roof watching him.
When inui noticed he was not opening he stepped back and saw him sitting on the roof smoking.

"KOKO?" He yelled.

Koko looked at him and continued to smoke.
Inui decided to break down the door and he went up to where Koko was.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Inui spoke.

"Am done with the country Inui!" He spoke as he contuined to let the smoke out his mouth.

"What does that supposed to mean?" Inui removed the cigarette from him.

"Am leaving Japan!" He answered.

"Why?"inui spoke with a sad tone.

"You know why, don't ask. But don't worry I will finish my studies in the states." He spoke removing his passport."am leaving tonight!"

Inui punched him.

"Hit me until yo..." He was cut off by another punch that made him stumble and blood came out of his nose.

"You are not leaving! You hear me!" Inui grabbed his passport and torn it apart.

Koko looked at him.

"That's not the original passport. I knew you where going to stop me so I left everything at the airport."

"You idiot!!!!" Inui knelt down." Just love is making you leave?"

"I told you I now ran a company here and has a lot of money. If you need assistance in anything you are free to withdraw any Amount." Koko threw a black card at Inui as he left.

"Koko!!! Don't go!" Inui spoke.

Koko stopped.
"One more thing tell the girls I will be back."

"Why don't you tell them your self?" Inui's eyes swarm in tears."Plus Canon and Salid."

"I sent them messages and hope they receive them but just tell the girls for me."Koko left the top.

"....."inui cried his way out trying to hide the fact of course.

"KOKONIO!!!! Bring you ass back here!!!!"He screamed.

Koko who was getting ready to drive his bike glanced at his best friend one last time and drove off.

A few hours...
The moment Canon and Salid got the message they ran to koko's place to find there Inui sitting on the stair case Putting his head in his knees holding a black card and the keys to the house.
"Inui? Where is Koko?" Canon asked.

"I don't know" he spoke.

"Don't say he already left?" Salid spoke.

"He hasn't yet but he is leaving today."

"May be he is at Y/n and Akane's house come on lets go" Canon grabbed his car keys.

"No..." Inui answered.

"Come on let's go!" Salid grabbed Inui up to the car and Canon drove off.

They reached your place while you and Akane where also planning on going out.
Canon's car aggressively stopped.

"Dude do you need to go back to driving school?" You spoke.

"No time to ask Y/n." He spoke.

"What's your point?"

"Isn't Koko with you?" Salid asked.

"No why??" You answered.

"Come on I will explain on the way" Salid spoke.

You and Akane where confused on what was going on and just entered the car.

Salid explained and Akane broke out in tears.
This time round My crybaby (Y/n didn't cry) but you where shocked and your heart started to pump really fast.

*why do I feel this way when ever they talk about Koko being hurt...* you thought and touched your chest.*I thought when I get a boy on the dating app my crush will go way.*

It was a long day running up and down with you and your friends looking for Koko in places where you might find him but he wasn't there and Inui looked at the time.

"Its almost time let's go to the airport." Inui spoke clearly not himself at all.

"Right!!" Salid and Canon entered the car.
Akane followed them behind as you removed the little bear he gave you for your recovery when you where sick.

"Y/n...come lets go" Canon spoke.

You looked at them with your eyes pouring.
"I..I.." You tired speaking.

Salid moved out of the car and he helped you walk.

"Let's go" he spoke as he held you in his chest.
For once Salid was serious and determined on what he was doing.

You arrived at the airport late because of traffic and the plane to The states flew.

"All passengers who missed the American flight, we request you to be patient for the next one tomorrow. Thank you." The attendant spoke.

"He is gone." Akane spoke crying in his brother's chest.

Canon and Salid just sat down and looked at the plane disappear.
"Well....." Canon tired holding his tears back.

"I can't say?" Salid was already crying.

You and Inui where the only ones who where not crying.
I think you either got emotional damage or heart break down.

You felt dizzy and immediately black out.

Thank you for reading.
This chapter was short I know but am sorry I had nothing else to write expect jump to the future in the next chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment down as well.

 Cosset Love ❤Kokonoi Hajime x reader❤حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن