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The designs are the same.
"Come to think of it! Akane told me to meet him in person and its the right time."You walked around and started to look for some one unfamiliar in the place.

You: Are you from our school?
Him: I was about to ask you that.( well I don't know are you from our school?)
You: i don't know if we are at the same party can you meet me at the balcony now!
Him: ok!!

You then went out side back at the balcony and then Koko showed up.

"Y/n? What are you doing out of the party?"
He asked literally surprised.

"I am waiting for some one out here what about you?"you answered smiling like hell and fantasying how Haru will look like.

"Haha?, wait is he your crush?" He smirked

"Shut up" you blushed and ran back inside.

"Classic Y/n" he giggled and leaned against the balcony.

You pulled out your phone and texted Haru.

You: lets meet somewhere else change of plans.
Him: sure where?
You: am....a how about the back yard.
Him: Alright be there in a sec.

You then walked out when you Some how ended up right in the middle of a dance battle.
"Oh,, Y/n is here!" The crowd cheered.
Even Canon was there cheering.

"Canon?" You where surprised.

"Go on Y/n dance for the birthday boy" he smiled.

"Y/n y/n Y/n y/n!!!" They yelled.

"I didn't know I was this  popular?" You smiled and started to dance.

"I never really knew that she could dance like that!" Salid grabbed a microphone and started to sing.

"She makes a man wanna speak Spanish!"Canon continued.

"¿còmo se ilama" Salid sang.

"SÌ" The crowd yelled getting Akane, Luke and Koko's attention.

"Bonita" Canon sang.


"Mi casa" Salid sang.

"Sì. Y/n y/n go"

"Su casa"canon sang.

Koko peeped throw to see you dancing moving your hips.
Akane and Luke also came in the crowd to see you dancing.
"ThAT'S MY Y/N" she yelled.

"Oh baby when you talk like that?" You sang along with the boys."You make a woman go mad"

"So be wise!"

"Sì" the crowd cheered.

"And keep on!"


"Reading the signs of my body!" You broke your hips left and right.

Then Inui grabbed you waist.
"I read them!" He whispered behind your back touching you as you danced.

"I'm on tonight you know my hips do lie!"you sang while dancing with Inui.

"And i'm starting to feel it's right all the attraction," you slipped down.

"The tension"
"Don't you see baby this perfection."
You moved your hips left and right while inui followed your body.

"The mici" inui asked for the microphone and Salid tossed him one.

"Hey girl I can see your body moving and its driving me crazy." He sang.

 Cosset Love ❤Kokonoi Hajime x reader❤Where stories live. Discover now