THE Aunt

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The names Claudine Antoinette. We always do these family get together. Listen to me, clearly because I'm only here for a brief moment. Im the aunt that moved away, became uppity and only comes around to gathers to these little dirt roads because the mess is always hot and steamy. Yes, I said I'm uppity. I know what and who I am so need to lie to myself. Now back to the family mess.

Lathan brought his wife. She looked pregnant. Hmmph never new a floozy who could glow so nice in the sunlight under so much stress. She can't fool an OG like me. I see her and Kage somehow seem to go missing at the same time at these shindigs while everyone else be just so blind to it. Kage is my nephew by marriage and I must say that young man grew up to be very handsome. He's quite the mischievous one too. He once made advances at me and as tempting as it was I had to decline. We're only related by law but still I'm too good for that kind of foolery.

I just couldn't understand why Lathan's babymother was here. If I was here I wouldn't show my face and not out of shame but simply because she deserved better than the hand she was dealt. She was once in Jade's spot. Lathan had her everywhere all the time. I thought she was going to be the wife but yet my nephew always favored pretty convincing sluts. Angel was different. I thought he had finally grew up but I was wrong.

"Auntie C, what it do? Lathan asked. "Boy i am just fine...go fix me a drink. Make yourself  useful."  Lathan went and got me a drink. Kage was over there cuddle up with his women. He did good with that one although he was no good. I couldn't help but notice Jade looked a little bothered. I loved to see it. Pay attention to your husband little girl not his brother. "Angel, let me hold that baby. She has gotten so big! Just as gorgeous as her mama!" "Ms.Claudine you have always been so sweet to me I appreciated that. I don't even know why Lathan invited me here. I told him no but he practically begged me to come. He could have just got Lynn and left me out the loop." Angel said to me. I smiled at her and then said, "Oh Lathan invited you...look sweetheart im old but not too damn old to know when a man regrets his choices. Right now he probably wants you to see what you're missing out on. That's my nephew but he has always been an idiot!" Angel was so tickled by that. "I haven't felt like I was missing out on something with him for awhile now. From what I know he doesn't have much." Angel said.I knew exactly what she was getting at so I gave her that look like, he sure don't. I gave her Lynn back and kept working my way around to everyone. Keep in mind I'm only here for today's events.

"Now, Kage Deon Dunson, who is this beautiful woman?" "Oh aunt C this is my lovely lady," That poor girl. Didn't even know the kind of devil Kage was or maybe she did. "Well, hi, I'm Auntie C. That's what the boys call's nice to meet you." " Nice to meet you too. I really like your attire!" She said with a smile. "Oh hunny this ain't nothing. Come up to New York sometimes and I will show you my closet. Don't bring Kage though." I  said laughing. "Man, you always be trying to get out on me." Kage said. His girlfriend was tickled. "Well, Auntie C, I do a bit of traveling for my job so I might have to take you up on that." "Come on up then. You can bring Kage. I just like to mess with him." Kage smirked and kissed her on the cheek.

Now we all sitting down eating and I am feeling the tension all around the table. Jade can't get her little quickie with Kage. Lathan trying to act so happy and loving in front of Angel. Angel looks like she wanted to run to the nearest car and get the fuck out of here. Kage looked like he didn't have a care in the world. He like drama. Especially drama he caused. Jade looked like she wanted to stick a fork dead in Angel's chest. She had the man so why was she mad but then I noticed how when Kage went to get some meat off the grill or drink  he would always rub against Angel and she would always make this uneasy face and in those moments Jade would frown. Lathan was still sitting there like a dummy. Was I really the only person paying attention to this. Must be because I'm a Behavior Analyst. I am picking up on every mannerism they are throwing off. Things might get ugly if they sit around her long enough. Kage's little lady friend has a keen eye too because she is picking up on Kage's actions. I can see it in her face because she smirks everytime Jade looks over and has the pouty face. This was some wicked shit and as uppity as I am...I'm here for it.

BDSM: Blood.Deception.Sex.Manipulation Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang