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Jade, what can I say about her. She's amazing. She's my wife. We've been through alot over our three years before she became my wife. I felt if she was willing to stick with me through all my bullshit she was the one. I was in love too. She was beautiful inside and out to me. A bit sneaky but still the object of my affection.

I wake up in the morning to see nestled under me. The warmth of her body makes me feel more than glad to wake up everyday. I had put her through so many things. I wasn't always a one woman man. Not even when I chased her down and finally got her. I was tripping. I had spent day in and day out trying to get shawty to swing my way then when she did, I was still out in the streets. She left me a few times but nothing was more heartbreaking to her than having to tell her I had a baby on the way. She left for months. I begged for months too. I thank God she came back and after that I changed my ways. If I was this tore up behind her leaving I had to have her back and forever. I knew then I couldn't make it without her. I started being a better man to her from that day on. She even stands in as a stepmother with no stipulations. I know it still lingers in her mind but she never dwells or brings it up. She simply said if we are going to work towards a future we have to forgive and move past all that. I was ok with that too. I don't like being reminded of my fuck ups anyway especially if I've moved past them.

I don't think Jade is this big ol angel, no. She has done her dirt. It wasn't as bad as mine because if she had gotten pregnant by someone while with me I'd been permanently out of there. Sounds like I'm a hypocrite, I know, but I can't have that on my mind all the time. Men have intuition too. I can't just put my finger on it but she is definitely up to something now. She goes missing sometimes. I came home on break one night and she was out of sight. At 2am in the morning. Where the fuck you got to be at 2am in the morning. Anyway, I said nothing. Maybe she ran out to the 24hr drive thru or the store but I was still concerned because some nights she turns her phone off and I cannot reach her till about 7am when im getting off. Like, damn, what if im in danger. I guess until I have some solid evidence I won't say anything but it's definitely some foogazy s**t in the air. If it's another  ni**a he can definitely get the smoke. I imagine that would be my karma but im not going out like no b**ch either. I don't cry. I square up about mine. Especially Jade.

BDSM: Blood.Deception.Sex.Manipulation Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora