66. Keep in Touch

Start from the beginning

"You'll keep in touch, won't you? Even though we won't be working together anymore, I'd like to hear from you," I told him.

"Of course! We can go out for lunch someday. Lemme give you my number." I took out my phone and opened up my contacts, handing it to him so he could type in his number. He then texted himself from my phone so that he has mine. "There you go. Now we have each other's number." I pocketed my phone and thanked him.

We headed back to the building so Bondy could say goodbye to everyone one last time before heading home. He could've gone home much earlier but he stayed behind to say goodbye to everyone.

"I've a little somethin' for ya," I said, gesturing him to follow me.

"You really don't need to..." Bondy trailed off.

But I wanted to. There was no way to know if I'd be able to find my favorite British treats in the States. I've heard of some stores carrying a limited supply but haven't had the time to check, but I figured Bondy wouldn't mind having some treats to remind him of home. I opened my drawer and handed him the bag.

"Thanks for training me. This isn't enough to pay you back for all that you've done but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. A bit of home in a bag," I said, flustered.

It's always hard for me to give thanks. I always feel like it's not enough and doesn't sound genuine. Bondy looked in the bag and smiled, using his hand to move stuff around so he could see what was in the bag. There was some Yorkshire tea, sweets, and biscuits. All normal everyday items you can get in the UK but a bit harder to come by here.

"Thanks, man. This is great. Can I give you a hug?" Bondy didn't wait for me to answer and gave me a big ol' hug and a pat on my back. "I've always liked you since we first met. I see a lot of potential in you. We'll keep in touch."

There's a magnetism that Bondy has that's hard to explain until he's gone and you don't feel it anymore. You never forget meeting someone like him.


The day went by in a blur. After Bondy left, I couldn't focus on work anymore so I filled the rest of the day with tasks that didn't require thinking like organizing my training binder and sorting through emails. I've still not properly stocked my flat with the basics needed for cooking. I was in need of another run to the grocery store so I decided to grab takeaway at a restaurant nearby and head out to the store to buy some seasoning, vegetables, meat, and eggs. It wasn't until I passed the room where we keep our mail that it hit me that I never checked the darn thing and I've been here a little over two weeks.

Once all my groceries were put away, I grabbed the stack of letters and junk mail that accumulated and brought them up to my flat. Most of them were weekly ads which I sifted through and letters addressed to the previous occupant. It wasn't until I neared the end of the stack that I saw a letter with familiar handwriting on it which made my heart race. Not once did Clara ask if I received her letter. When did she send it? I placed my finger under the flap and slid it across to open the envelope. I unfolded the letter and began reading.

1 August 2014

Dear Van,

I'm writing this while you're flying to Seattle. I want to call you to wish you a happy birthday but I can't so I'll write to you instead. It's strange to think that you'll be thousands of miles away from me. When will we see each other next?

Hopefully you can celebrate your birthday once you're settled in. Knowing you, you probably celebrated it earlier with your parents. Happy birthday! May you have many more birthdays to come and get what you wish for.

Love always,

There was something heartfelt about her letters, especially now that she's so far away. It was like she was sitting next to me, reading them out loud. Her calming, soft voice that could put my worries at bay and cradle me to sleep.

Reading that letter made me miss her even more. The loneliness and insecurities started to creep in and I felt empty. If this is my dream job, why do I feel this way? I folded the letter and tried to put it back in the envelope but something was stopping it from going in. I opened the envelope and saw that there were several photos inside which I took out.

They were photos that Clara took on our trip to Llandudno. The one of me holding her from behind and kissing her cheek, the one where I licked her face, and the one where we're both smiling. I couldn't help but smile at the memories they brought back. Even though she might've meant nothing from it, the photos gave me hope that Clara wanted to make this work just as much as I did even though we're on a break.

I haven't done much in terms of decorating my flat. I've only been here two weeks so decorating is the least of my worries but I knew I wanted to find a way to display these photos. Living in America is overwhelming and very lonely at the moment but I have a piece of home with me in these photos. It's a reminder of who's waiting for me to come home. My other half.

After I got over the letter, I saved the letter and photos in my drawer and went to find my phone to text her. But then I remembered that she's most likely sleeping so I'll wait until tomorrow morning to call her. But she's right. Before I left, I did celebrate my birthday with my family. My mum cooked me a roast dinner which is one of my favorites and they bought me a new phone with an upgraded camera and more storage so I could tell them all about life in America. I wanted to celebrate with Clara but didn't have time. We did have our moment to say goodbye, though. She wished me well, told me to keep in touch, and hugged me goodbye. That was the last time I saw her.

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