chpt 8.

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When Iris and I get home it's already about 5. "I'm going to go to Jules'. If you need anything text and call. Make sure to let Mason and ONLY Mason into the house. If you make a mess clean it up so Joseph isn't pissed when he comes home." Iris says like a mom. "Wow I've never seen you act so responsible," I say laughing and rolling my eyes. "Well, Joseph is paying me to house sit so I need to earn that money if you know what I mean." She explains. "Wow and all this time I thought you were here for me," I say making a sad puppy dog face. "Oh shut up y/n. You know I love you." She says pushing my head back. "Bye, have fun! Keep the group chat updated! I'll be back at around 10." Iris says leaving. I run to my phone to text Mason.

you can come anytime after 5:45. Whatever works for you. :)

sweet, I'll see you in a bit ;)

Ahhh!!! This is actually happening. Holy shit. Holy shit! When Iris and I were out we bought stuff to make cookies and homemade pizza. Hopefully, Mason thinks Joseph casually has all this stuff in his pantry and that we didn't buy it just for tonight. I decide to tidy up a bit because Iris and I kind of left it a mess. "Oh don't want him to see that..." I say grabbing a bra off the couch and throwing it in the dirty clothes. Hey! What can I say, bras are UNCOMFORTABLE. Once the clock hits 5:50 I hear a knock on the door. I check through the peephole because I would rather not die you know? It's Mason, I open the door and welcome him in. "Hey." He says awkwardly. "Hey," I say back. We both make our way to the couch and sit. "So how have you been?" I ask him. "Pretty good! The Black Phone has started to gain more popularity!" He says excitedly. "That's so great! Is this your first acting job?" I ask. "I would say my first professional acting job. This has opened up so many opportunities for me now. Was stranger things your first acting job?" He asks. "No, I was in Matilda on Broadway for a while before," I say. We continue our small talk. "You hungry?" I ask him. He nods. "¿¡Por qué no dijiste algo!?" I ask him. "I'm sorry what...?" He asks confused. "Sorry. Sometimes my Spanish slips. I asked why didn't you say something." I explain. He nods slowly. "Are you... Hispanic?" He asked carefully. "Yup. Mixed. Mom's Mexican and we grew up close to her family. (a/n If it's the opposite for you, or if both parents are Hispanic then change it! Also if you aren't Mexican and something else that's ok! Feel free to change it, I'm just writing from a Mexican pov from my own family experience. 🇲🇽) I grew up learning to never leave your guests hungry. I'm pretty sure Joseph has some pizza-making stuff in here somewhere." I say looking through his cabinets. "Bingo. Let's get this party started. Pick a record, Mason." I say pointing to the record player. He nods and puts on Michael Jackson's Thriller album. We dance around and make our pizzas. Gosh, we have so much in common. At this point it's honestly scary, he's like a boy version of me. Our pizzas come out of the oven and we take them out. "Wow, this actually doesn't look that bad," I say titling my head. "Yeah if I just turn my head a little bit and cover one eye..." Mason says sarcastically. "Oh shut up," I say laughing. "Like yours is any better." "Um, actually mine is clearly better than yours." He says pointing out the obvious.


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y/n.l/n mason makes some bomb ass food. masonthamesoffical

📌irisapatow pin if I'm your fav...
| y/n.l/n shhhh...

masonthamesoffical definitely the better chef
|y/n.l/n umm...
| josephquinn I can confirm y/n is an awful cook.

sadiesink_ @maya_hawke we need to go to a yoga class together again!
|maya_hawke I'm down. Hbu y/n?
| y/n.l/n time and place mamas.
| strangerthingsfan001 something about them going to yoga together is just so: 🥰🥰🫶🏼🫶🏼

(a/n) UGH PRETEND THEY'RE MAKING PIZZA IN THE PICTURES. Pinterest is actually fake because I searched up 'couple making pizza aesthetic.' And nothing I liked fucking showed up. 😒💔🙁

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