1-Interview with Mr CEO

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I am so excited for this book

Warning: not edited

"m-m-my name is uhm
a-al-Aleesha" okay yes that is true, it is my name but I do not stutter,it is all is a long story, argh I hate flash backs but guess I have to start from the beginning well it all started from....

Flashback begin.

    "Aleesha!!"argh that ladies and gents is my amazing mom,

        "hmm" I hummed as a reply, getting more comfortable on the best thing ever created at that moment....

"Aleesha! what are you still doing in bed don't you remember that you have somewhere to be now" mom who won't stop ranting out complains finally got my attention,it was then I remembered, I groaned out audibly.

"I'm not going"I mumbled in my heaven like pillow, then, everything stilled, I could swear on my all my dead fish that I heard a pin drop from across the room, as I start to enjoy the peaceful quiet ,mom had to ruin everything by snatching my sweet comfort exposing my long and slender legs I had slept with a bum short and crop top.

"Maa!!" I said my voice a little horse.

"Get you lazy ass up or else I would do more than snatching away your blanket and did you even pray" I knew she meant it so I immediately ran into the bathroom yelling a positive reply to her last question,

I took my bath and groaned the whole time, I came out, brought out my black ripped off jean and a black top that say 'ain't your bitch' and complimented with an ash Kimono with matching veil ,put on kohl and eyeliner and quickly wore my ash nikaab, I took my purse and put my phone and other stuff in I looked at my self in the mirror and saw my messy hair under my veil, meh I didn't actually care so I went out to the dinning area where mom must be waiting for me.

The moment I stepped in the dinning area, mom shrieked "Ya Rahman, what are you wearing,ripped jeans, go get changed you can't wear that to the interview, are you..."

"geesh, Maa calm down, I will go and change okay, no need to scream" I said blocking my ears with my hands while running out of the room to mine,

I locked my doors from inside and groaned, My mom can be a pain in the donkey butt sometimes but I love her so much, Mom and My bestie Layla are the best and only people I have in this world and only two of them know me like how a Hafiz memorizes the Qur'an,and to justify why my mom said that earlier...actually more like screamed that out was because she knew that I don't want the job. I will explain everything later but for now I need to change.

So, I went to my closet and grab an ash Abaya put black leggings incase with a little wedged black shoe, put on my wrists watch even though I won't use it, I've got myself a phone why stress, no need for other jewelries, changed my purse to a black shimmer one, sprayed my perfume,combed my long silky and shiny black hair and tied in a low bun.

We are Arabs, well my mom is and that is where I got my...well everything basically,lets get this straight my dad Nigerian my mom Arab but they met and well had me, pretty much lived our entirely lives in Somalia, where in Somalia you ask nope not saying, I never visited Nigeria much since Paa passed,
back to the point I lay down my matching veil and styled it to cover my head and my face in a makeshift nikaab-hijab
and voila not the best but..."at least I look decent" I mumbled out plus I picked it out so durrh it has to be, after one last glance I turn on my heels and left.. again.

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