𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂-𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓮

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     Monday morning,  I had no choice but to get out of bed and get on that plane . Even if it was without him . He told me he didn't love me and even if it was the hardest thing I had to except it , and move on... I didn't want too . I think its best I do. 

    Fivs thirty a.m . Millie wakes me up , I get dressed . My stuff was packed and in the car . I walk downstairs everyone was having breakfast .

     "Here ." My dad put out a plate of food infront of me . "Not hungry." I walk away not looking at him . He let's out a sigh . I walk to the couch and lay down .

     About thirty minutes later Sadie and Noah arrived.  They had breakfast too , they tried making me eat but I refused .

     "Ok kids , time to go !" My dad sad pouring one last cup of coffee and grabbing his keys . We all walked out to the car .

~Aidan's Pov~

     I stayed up all night.  Staring at the ceiling thinking about what Sadie said 'I know you love her Aidan ! So do something to fix this' .  I do love her,  more than anything in this world!  She probably hates me right now.

      I look at my alarm , five forty six a.m . Sadie's voice in my head.

'I know you love her Aidan ! So do something to fix this' .

  Fuck this.

I get up and grab my car keys . I wasn't gonna let things end like this . My life hasn't been the same without Y/n. I was gonna fix this .

~Your Pov~

     It's  seven forty five and we just arrived at the airport.  We take out our luggage,  and walk inside . It's filled with so many people. 

     We all push through the crowd trying to find . Millie grabbing onto my arm while we push through everyone. 

     We weigh our luggage,  and we go through the metal detectors . I would see lights flashing . Paparazzi...

     Once we're done with that , we grab our stuff and go up the escalator.

~Aidan's Pov~

    Of course there's traffic their plane leaves in half an hour . I honk the car horn figurously  , out of anger and  impatience. 

     "Come on!" I would repeat , then the cars start moving "Yes!" I smile .

      I get there . It was pact , "Shit" I mumbled under my breath.  I rush through the crowd "Sorry!" I would repeat each time I bumped into someone.  There she was ...

     I get in the escalator,  running up catching up to her "Y/n!" I try catching her attention "Y/n!"

~Your Pov~

     "Y/n!" I heard someone call out as we get off the escalator.  I thought it was Paparazzi so I ignore it . "Y/n!" That wasn't the paparazzi . I turn and I see him , my eyes widen ."Aidan!?" Everyone turns to look he was running up to me .

     I walk to him meeting him half way.  "W-What are you doing here?" I slightly smile

      Before he says anything he wraps his arms around me tightly,  I put my arms around his neck confused. We stare at eachother for a second , then he kisses me . I kissed him back , obviously. I could hear the cameras flashing as we shared our kiss . It was something we both needed so desperately.  We needed eachtoher.  I needed him .

     I slowly pull away, "What are you doing here!?" I asked placing ym forhead against his "I needed to say something before you left .." he softly replies "W-what is it ?"

     "I love you Y/n Keery- and I know I said I didn't,  but I only said it because I know your dad probably would've killed me if I-" I cut him off and pull away from him arms .

     "My dad? What do you mean ? What does he have tk do with this ?" I slightly turn my head and look at my dad.

     "Look I'm sorry Mr. Keery!"Aidan quickly says "He told me to tell you I didn't love you so you could get on the plane ." My face dropped

     I look at my dad,"Why ?" He crosses his arms and looks down "Dad?" I walk over to him ."Dad why?" I softly asked .

     "Y/n I'm sorry , ok? I thought I was doing the right thing,  but I just made everything worse ! " he admits "I just didn't want to lose you ! I didn't want to lose you like I lost your mom !" He says his eyes fill with tears .

     I hold his hands "Dad your not gonna lose me ! You gotta except that I want a life apart from music ! A-and I'll always need you in my life ! " I say softly "Look what you did wasn't ok , and it might take some time for me to forgive you. " he looks at me "S-so what does this mean ?" He asks

      "It means I'm gonna be with Aidan weather you like it or not ! And he's gonna be in the band no matter what you say!  Your just gonna have to deal with ..." I  say plainly he nods

       "All flights (to a certain location ) board now! " a women over the speaker says.  I turn my attention to Aidan "You need to go !" He smiles ,"But-"

     "I'll catchnthe earliest flight tomorrow! " I smile and nod . I kissed him one last time "I'll call once you arrive " he says as he pulls away . "Ok..." I reply softly.

     "Come on Y/n ! We need to go!" Millie smiles,  I look at Aidan , and smile . I grab my stuff and we board the plane . I look out the window and see Aidan waiting for the plane to leave I wave hoping he'll see and he does , and waves back .

     "You ready?" Millie asks as I sit back in my seat . "Ready! " I reply with a smile .

     It was all complete i was happy once again . I had my friends and family by my side and the boy of my dreams . I couldn't ask for more .  The day I saw him was the day everything changed for me . I'd like to say this was my happy ending,  but it was all just starting . It was my happy beginning,  my happy beginning with Aidan.


I'm sorry if this wasn't th event ending,  and if the last paragraph was cringe I'll edit it soon maybe idk but I hope you enjoyed my very first complete story !



𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓘𝓷 𝓤𝓼  ♡ Aidan Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now