𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓲𝔁

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Aidan and I got to finish the song I was so stuck on . We reached the hotel at around four, and the first place we were touring in was New York, which was my favorite place to tour in . I love the lights and the buildings , and especially the time Square we grabbed our bags and waited outside the bus for my dad, who was checking in the hotel . " Have you ever been to New York? " Aidan asked me . " Yeah, we've been here a couple of times . It's my favorite place to tour ! Have you been here before?" I asked "Yea I have , Y/n-" he was gonna ask me something , but was interupted by my dad " Ok kiddos here are the keys to your room Aidan , Noah , and Finn share a room " he said tossing the key to Finn " And Millie , Sadie Y/n share a room your room is two doors down from the boys room " he said handing Me the key . " ok, meet here at around six," he said, and we all walked off to our room .

You girls go into your room and start unpacking . "So Y/n we saw you and Aidan," Sadie said. " And heard you guys singing!" Millie added while unpacking most of her clothes."Oh yeah , he was helping me finish up the song !" I simply said,"Right, but did you see how he was looking at you when you sang ?"Sadie said, lifting an eyebrow up . I laugh. " Ok? How was he looking at me . Sadie ." I asked curiously."He was looking at like he was amazed and in love. " She moved away from me and continued to unpack . "Ok sure 'inlove' we're just friends, nothing else ! We have music to focus on and the tour ! We can't let it get in the way. " "Y/n if you guys do end up liking eachother tell him ,aybe he likes you back , but thats all ok remember-" "Dads rule yeah I  know " I hated that rule it kept us all from being truly happy

Aidans Pov

     Me and the boys walked over to our room . I couldn't shake the thought of Y/n out of my head . She's amazing! I don't know how I feel this way towards her because I only just met her . Does she feel the same ? We made it to our room, and Noah threw himself on one of the beds, and so did Finn. I threw my bag to the side and sat on my bed . " So Aidan , I heard you and Y/n singing back in the bus . Do you like to have feelings for her ?" Noah asked," Dude!" Finn said," What I was just asking. " " That's my sister !" "Ok? She deserves to be happy, though !" Noah answered." Whatever, dude,"Finn replied

"Anyway, do you, Aidan ? " Finn looked at me, waiting for me to answer Noah's question. " Um, I don't know ?" I said shyly even though I kinda do." You don't know? Dude, I saw how you were looking at her !" Noah said." EVERYONE saw how you were looking at her !" Finn added. " I don't know. I think that music is really important to her . I wouldn't wanna mess that up ." I said, laying down on my bed. "Trust me, Aidan, you won't. Y/n knows how to focus on two things at once , and its crazy especially if their important, " Noah said, looking over at me . " Yeah , but you know about my dads rule!" Finn said, crossing his arms . I looked at them, confused.'rule what rule? " Um, what rule? " I asked . Finn sat up and looked at me. " My dad has this rule where you can't date anyone in the band . I was confused as to why he was mad, and Noah noticed, "He likes Sadie." Noah said, " he likes Millie," Finn added . Now what am I gonna do . The stupid rule changes everything.

Word Count: 642

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓘𝓷 𝓤𝓼  ♡ Aidan Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now