𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂

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      I was in my dressing, I was sharing with the girls.  Which meant Aidan couldn't visit like always since Sadie doesn't know . Should I tell her ? I know that if , when I tell my dad Noah and Millie might be in as much trouble as me and Aidan.  Sadie was helping with my hair . It was silent .

     "Ok ! What the hell is going on with us?" Sadie asks putting the hair brush down causing Mills and I to look at her . "It's like we're...-" she sighs "all of a sudden we're more distant! " she raised her voice a bit but not to much , "I'm sorry Sadie ..." I softly say , her face rests "It's fine,  I get it this tour is crazy and a bit stressful!  I just wish we weren't to busy to hang out !" She returns to brushing my hair softly trying not to hurt me "Doesn't mean that we aren't still gonna be here for eachother!  I love you your my bestfriend !" I say smiling and she smiles back "Mine too ! Both of you are !"

     We all smile at eachother,  then there was a knock on the door and we turn our heads to face it .

     "Come in! " Sadie yells , and they open the door "Five minutes ladies!" A crew member tells us "Ok thank you!" Millie says as they slowly close the door . "Show time!" Sadie smiles we all walk backstage waiting to be called on to stage .

     "Next on tonight's show we have a special group of people ! Most of you might know , so enough talking and let's bring them on !" The host says and we all walked on waving an smiling till we got to our seats . Our dad watching us from the side like always he was always nervous about interviews.  He never knew what they would bring or how it would end .

     "Hello guy's!  I'm glad we've finally got to have you on our show !" They said we all smile . "Thank you for having us !" I chuckle.

     "So you guy's have been really busy with touring ! How does it feel knowing almost the whole world will recognize you ?"

     "Well for me it's kinda of crazy you know sometimes I still feel like a normal girl,  which I am, but when people come up to me it just hits me you know !" I laugh and they all smile

     "What about you guy's? " I ask looking at everyone else . They all take turns answering the question. 

"Now is there anything new you've been working on?" I tell Millie to answer this .

"Um yes actually!  We are very excited about it,  and can't wait for you guys to find out! " she smiles.

     We answer a couple more questions after a bit when they get to the last question, "So we know you guy's are busy and need your rest ro we will leave to this one last question,  and it's for y/n and Aidan ." They smile

   "So Y/n and Aidan , I got a delivery the other day and I was surprised to see what it was once I opened it !" He smiles even more. My smile however slowly faints as a picture of me and Aidan kissing at the park pops up on the screen .

     I turn over to Aidan who had the same expression.  The crowd gasps not at once , but separate times .  Sadie , Finn, Millie, and Noah look at us . Noah and Millie worried for us , but Finn and Sadie in shock.  I look at my dad , he has no expression on his face which worried me not knowing what was to come from him later on.

    "Now Y/n and Aidan..." I turn my attention to the host "We all know the answer , but I just want to confirm it ... Are you and Aidan dating?" He smiles , I gulp looking at my friends then back at the host .


-Word Count: 648


𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓘𝓷 𝓤𝓼  ♡ Aidan Gallagher Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat