"Of course, sir."

"Magi, you will be coming with me." Naruto said and briskly began walking into the country, passed the border with a flourished movement and lightly flapping of the tails of his coat. The green backpack wearing prodigy rushed to him with Shinikora. The two male platinum soldiers began ordering for a thousand warriors, with a good distribution of gold, silver, bronze and copper soldiers.

"B-But s-sir…! Wouldn't Indra or Satoshi be better to accompany you?" the fact that's he was back home didn't faze her anymore; she was stronger than she was back then and she knew that fact very well. It was her lack of self-confidence surfacing that made her doubt her ability to protect her master.

"You will be fine." Naruto said in a slightly reassuring voice as he patted her shoulder once. "You particular skill set will be an advantage for us in Kiri." He glanced over his shoulder to the silently following maid. "You would speak for me if I do not want to." The red haired woman nodded.

The Sukai forces marched on behind their king, ensuring not to make too much of a loud stomping sound, even as the mist began to set in as they finally reached Kiri, after a long hour of marching. Magi took in a deep breathe and tapped her right ear, where a single white ear bud sat, and said to each soldier behind her. "Buddy system seal." They muttered their replies and held up the snake hand seal as the fuinjutsu prodigy flipped through a dozen hand seals before ending it by lacing her fingers together and whispering. "Buddy system seal: Activate."

The different metal hands of the soldiers began glowing gold, though they didn't stop marching, and there was a quick flash of red that flew from the fuinjutsu prodigies fingers to Naruto and Shinikora before it flashed and jumped from one soldier to the other, always leaving the golden hands red after it had left, until all their hands turned bright red. The jumping string of light disappeared as it got to the last soldier, an older gold rank soldier, before all dropped their hands back to their sides. All of their right eyes blinked red as their hands went down before returning back to their normal colours, signifying that the buddy system seal was now active. This seal allowed each soldier to have a deep knowledge of where the other was by a sort of projection of light only they could see. Even as the mist thickened enough to block sight for more than a centimetre before them, the mental seal light cut through it and shone on their comrades, coupled with the light from others and the army could see well enough as well as a few feet before them. They had been trained to fight as a unit when the occasion demanded it and as long as they knew where the other was they would know what to do.

"Activate Sensory seals." The seal master whispered into her ear bud and as one the Sukai soldiers tapped the back of their right wrists with their right hands and then they were able to sense for a four foot radius around them, but with the comrades around them this sensory ability was boosted to allow each soldier to sense for a mile or two around them.

Naruto smirked a little at the display and the sensory seal allowed the seal master to know when her master nodded to her in gratitude. The girl blushed and bowed in appreciation; the rinnegan was not able to see through mist or smoke bombs, no matter how overpowered his eyes made him, leaving him with nothing but his natural sensory abilities and the trust that his soldiers had his back.

They kept trudging in silence until Magi abruptly said into her ear bud. "Trap ahead, twenty feet from me." Ten silver and five gold ranked members of the Frontline soldier division that specialized in traps rushed by and disappeared in the mist.

Five seconds later. "Trap disabled."

"Scout out for more and report back with each one you find."

"Understood, ma'am." One of the trap specialist replied and the five soldiers surged forward, their metal armoured feet not even making a single sound as they moved and their armour as silent as the night. Ten more feet and they stopped before a pit covered in grass and soil, under which was a bed of wooden spikes. The same trap specialist said. "Trap found. Disabled." As another member of his team flashed through seals and covered up the pit with earth, making sure it was perfectly covered before they continued forward. They kept going and his Buddy system seal allowed him to see two silver ranks quickly burning down a tree where a snare trap was hidden. "Trap found and disabled." A gold rank dismantled seven senbon launchers hidden in the ground and also cut the trip wire. "Trap found and disabled." Another gold rank poured deep red fire into a pit of scorpions and covered their melting bodies with earth. "Trap found and disabled." The gold ranked captain of the squad bent down on one knee and ripped off a Fuin-genjutsu seal tag on the ground that would activate when stepped on. It crumbled into dust in his hand. "Trap found and disabled."

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