I kicked the first one and he fell far behind. Controlling them using Maya and twisting their minds to kill their own. I swung the scythe and attacked them. I have to admit. The scythe is harder than a sword.

Catching hold of the hand of one of them, I twisted it around. Jumping up and kicked his neck and cracked it. I dropped the scythe and proceeded ahead without weapons. Using maya as weapons. Creating several copies of myself enough to outnumber them. Hitting the vulnerable parts. Creating a knife out of maya and slashing throats with it. All of them attacked at once and fought the rakshasas. Kneeing them in the chest almost stopping their heartbeat. I picked up the scythe and swung it at the rakshasas.

Fighting them was like a warmup in comparison to the fights that I had had with others. Using the scythe as support, I jumped up in the air and kicked away one of them. Swinging the scythe, I cut through the rakshasas.

Maya extruded through me and controlled them all. Choking some of them, stunning some, twisting their minds and attacking each other, and swinging the scythe at the rest.

A few more rakshasas appeared. From my waist bag, I pulled out a bagh nakh that I kept just in case I lose weapons. Setting it over my fingers, I ran towards them. A copy of me grabbed the scythe and fought the rakshasas with that. I tore through the flesh with the nakh. The blade of their sword slashed my arm leaving a large cut.

I hissed at the pain. I attacked the rakshasas ahead. Another dagger attacked me and stopped me for a moment with pain. I used maya to control them and make them attack each other.

Soon, yamadutas arrived to take care of the rakshasas who had invaded the place. They fought the rakshasas and killed them all. One of the yamadutas stitched up my cuts. I winced in pain as they stitched it up.

“Well, good enough of a show…” Vichitra commented, “Could have done a better job…”

“Shut up.” I told him.

“What? Why do you hate feedbacks? I’m being such a nice person here by giving you a feedback…”

“You don’t qualify as a person, Vichitra. You’re a cat. So, yeah, no.”

I spotted Yamadeva. I bowed down and greeted him. He nodded in acceptance and took a look at all of the things there. The number of rakshasas that managed to invade into Naraka.

“I guess the hole is causing too much damage and the guards statured there aren’t actually being able to stop this invasion.”

“I think it is only going to increase with my presence here. Virat will stop at nothing to attack me and capture me again.”

He nodded in agreement. “The problem is that more people have escaped from the hole. The asuras have taken back their people from Naraka and made them to join in with Virat. He is somehow promising them a ticket out of Naraka.”

I thought for a moment. I will not get a better chance and look for the stones. “Maharaj, I’m thinking that we should make an active work against it instead of a defensive side. I’ll go and get the souls back. Also, I wanted to talk to you about these stones needed for the reactor. The Gurus at Gurukul will recreate the reactor but it will still need the stones to activate it.”

“Yes, it does make sense but yet, we do not know a lot about it. Shukracharya might not divulge a lot of information to you. After all, his weakness against his students is well known.”

“Wouldn’t Nanashree be able to easily know it? After all he is Mamashree’s father.”

“Yes but Shukracharya has reached quite the heights of this. Maharishi Bhrigu gave up this research long ago when he felt that it could become disastrous. But Shukracharya isn’t like that. His hunger for knowledge can push him to any level.”

The Clan of Bhargava (Part 3)Where stories live. Discover now