I smile a bit.
"I know... and the sex is good. I didn't know it could be that good".

She smiles as she looks more intrigued.
"How was it to have Cassian as your first?".

I stay quiet.

She stares at me as I distract myself from answering.

"Was he not your first?" She asks.

I shake my head.

"It happened when I was away, his name is Mikhail and it was very good. And the thing is he is coming to Sicily very soon."

"Wait why?".

"Well his uncle and him took me in when I first got to Russia, they helped me and I got close to Mikhail. They are involved in the whole Russian mafia but they need to flee".

She chuckles.
"You and mafia men. You left Sicily to go to another problem".

"I wouldn't call it a problem, I felt more free there than here. Mikhail was and is good to me".

She nods.
"And now you are sleeping with Cassian,that certainly will be awkward if they meet".

I shake my head.
"So they won't meet and I need your help to make sure that won't happens".

She gasps.
"How are you going to do that while Giovanni knows you are around here somewhere. Also by me and Hunter knowing.. is a risk".

I look at her straight into the eyes.
"He will not hurt you both, I will make sure and I know Axel will make sure as well. He wants me and he won't be able to hurt anyone else after my mamma. I promise you that".

She takes a deep breath.
"Fine so how do I distract?".

I think for a moment and I look back at her.
"Cassian knows you better and try to find some excuse that has to do with me. He will fall for anything related to me".

She laughs.

I roll my eyes.

"So when is this Mikhail coming?" She asks.

I give her a small smile.

"Now?!" She yells out.

"Wow warning much Vivian" she rolls her eyes.

I nod.
"I know, I know".

I hear a ping from my phone and I know it's him. I look at my phone and I see a text.

Here princess~ M

I sigh as I try to keep myself focused. That damn word, that damn nickname. Always roping me in.

I look at her.
"He's here and most likely at the docks. We need to go. How can we leave without getting spotted?".

She smiles.
"Disguise duh..".

I roll my eyes.
"Ughh I DONT miss that plan".

I go to Cassian's closet and I grab a long shirt with a cap. I put my hair up as I put the cap on my head.

I wear his athletic shoes and she looks at me.

"Kinda close to being a guy, but let's go".

I laugh and we head out. We get to her car and I take in the outside air. Cassian does have a balcony but it doesn't match the freedom and ability to go outside without worries.

We get to her car and I gasp as it looks expensive.

"Where did you get the money?.. oh my".

She looks away before we get in.
"Doesn't matter, does it?".

I shake my head. I guess not.

She starts to drive to the docks. We arrive there and I look around to see if I can catch any glimpse of Mikhail.

Until I finally see him. Him and Dimitri walking without a clue in the world on where to go next.

She stops the car as I hop out. I run towards them and I look at Mikhail straight in the eyes.

"Ты здесь, я не могу в это поверить" I say.
(You're here, I can't believe it)

He smiles a bit.

"поверь в это принцесса".
(Believe it princess)

Dimitri looks at me and he looks cold of course. Don't I miss that cold glare of his.

I look him in the eyes with comfort.
"Dimitri, welcome to Italy".

He nods.
"It's good to be back".

I look at him confused.
"You have been here before?".

He nods.
"Of course, how do you think I know your uncle? We met here in Italy for an event that was held by the Morettis".

I gasp.
The what?

"You know the Morettis?" I question.

He nods.
"I know them but aren't the greatest of friends with them as my tone may seem that we are".

I sigh out of relief.

My gaze turns to Mikhail and all he is doing is staring me down, as if I'm a meal he hasn't had in awhile.

Sierra comes by me and I see her looking at them both.
"You must be Dimitri and Mikhail, I am Vivian's best friend Sierra".

They both nod in accommodation. She stays silent as she takes the hint, that they aren't the type to really be friendly with anyone.

"So where are you two planning on going?" I ask.

"Well we feel that Sicily is a bit overcrowded, especially with what's going on. But we wanted to stay for a bit before we move along to Venice".

I feel a bit relieved as he said that. I won't be stuck with both Mikhail and Cassian. I can breathe now.

"So where were you exactly plannning on staying" I ask.

"With you of course. Unless that's a problem?" Dimitri interrupts.

I shake my head.
"No problem at all".

They let me stay, the least I can do is the same. But I am going against Cassian told me not to. I'm not supposed to be near my house for now but here I am.

Maybe he will understand later.


"Ok let's go, I'll take you to my place" I say to them.

They head to the car and Sierra looks at me confused.

"This won't end well" she whispers as we follow behind them.

It won't.

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now