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Italy. Italy air. The warmth. The heat. Fuck I did indeed miss you. Truly.

I step off the ship and I have my things with me. I look around and honestly nothing has changed. It just felt like a new environment to me.

Different and new.

Julio and Esme step out behind me and I turn to them.
"So you have a place to live?" She ask.

I shrug.
"I had a house before I left but honestly I don't know if it's gone or whatever".

She nods.
"Well here the thing is, Mr. Rizzo informed us that he did buy your home and have been holding it ever since. So if you're ready to go back home you can".

I gasp. Wait what?

"Wait... why did he buy it? I appreciate this all but why do all this for me?".

"Because Mr. Rizzo.... is your uncle. It wasn't my place to say anything but I feel like you may be curious on why we do the shit we do. You are family" Julio claims.

My uncle.

It makes sense now, I guess.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"The station but now you should get settled, it was nice seeing you Vivian. Hope we meet again" she shakes my hand again.

I nod.
"You as well".

They head back on the ship as they are on their way to Spain.

I take out my phone and I dial the only number I know. I just hope she doesn't say anything.

I dial Sierra's number.

It rings and rings. Until it doesn't.

"Hello.." I hear her voice.

It was great to hear her voice again.

"Sierra.. it's me. Vivian" I mumble trying to hold back my tears.

"V—-Vivian!" She sounds happy on the other side.

"Yes it is me. I am here, I am back in Sicily" I say.

I hear her cry a bit but laugh.
"Where are you? I can come get you".

"I'm at the Sicily docks, but I need you to not tell Axel or anyone I am here. Please just don't tell them".

She hesitates.
"Vivian... I..".

"Sierra please..!" I beg.

"Fine. I am on my way" she states and we hang up.

I wait for her and I go to the nearest bench I see as I sit down.

I wait a few minutes as I see a car pull up in the distance. I see Sierra get out in a rush but on the passenger side. Who did she come with?

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now