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As I sit in the passenger seat with Sierra driving to my place, Mikhail sits right behind me.

Part of me knew he was staring at me. It is what he's been doing ever since I first landed my eyes on him since he got here.

Sierra's phone ringing interrupts my thoughts. She looks at it and I see Axel's name on the screen.

"Fuck" she mumbled.

She looks at me.
"If I don't answer, I'm dead Vivian".

I nod.

While she picks up the phone, she speaks as low as she can in Italian while I try to talk to Dimitri and Mikhail.

"So my place hardly has any rooms, only 2" I say.

"That is fine Vivian, we will survive" Mikhail assured me.

As much as I wanted to tell them that I shouldn't even be out right now, I now know that they both know Giovanni. It feels like a risk already but why they really betray me?

"So how often have you came to Italy?" I ask.

Dimitri cuts in.
"Maybe a good 5 times".

I nod.

Sierra hangs up and parks up in front of my place. I look at her and I could tell she was in trouble with Axel. I hug her as a thank you as we all get out.

She drives off after we get out. I look at my door and I sigh as I go to open it.

I unlock it and I walk into the darkness. I turn the light on as I see my uncle sitting right in the couch.

I try not to scream.
"What the actual fuck?!".

He looks at me shocked by my language and I look the other way.

"Sorry, you did not inform me of your arrival" I say confused by his presence.

He nods and stands up with his hands in his pants' pockets.
"I didn't but you did not inform me that you weren't going to be here. I came here to check on things and it was empty. We are family and I need to make sure that my remaining family is alive. Now I see that you are here with some good ole friends but may I know why you have been absent?".

I sent him a text before I left? Didn't I? I check my phone real quick and my text never sent. This damn non traceable phone!

I sigh as I put my phone away. I look at him.
"I really DONT want to talk about this with you. I am a grown woman and I can handle my shit. I'm thankful for you, seriously".

He nods.
"You can but you left this house that was important to your parents to flee. I must know the truth after I did take care of everything in your absence".

I sigh.

All eyes were on me now.

"I have a sort of deal with Giovanni Moretti. I was supposed to marry him 2 years ago for the exchange of what apparently he claims that my father owes him.

I ran away to escape the marriage and now he wants me. Most importantly to kill me of course. So in that way, he can take whatever he likes since I am the last living relative of my father".

My uncle groans.
"I had no clue that things were this serious. I know the Morettis can be very 'intense' but I was never informed about a marriage. Your father should've told me".

I shrug.
"Well he didn't. And he's dead and so is mamma."

He looks at me.
"Giovanni won't win this Vivian. It is something I won't allow especially on my sister's, your mother's behalf. And these claims of them killing her... are they true?".

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now