Chapter 1: The Prologue, the start thingy, whatever you call it

Start from the beginning

For the invasion had already begun.

It started with the Plague, out of Ered Nimrais, devastating the coasts of Gondor until it stopped at taking back of Minas Ithil, renamed as Minas Raithor, a hope for a new age. It didn't last for long, since the Guards were off-guard and not alert, and they approached from behind. It was renamed once again, by the name of Minas Ruimhem, a dark red fortress protruding from the gloom. Not a single survivor was spared from destruction as the foul shadow corrupted the fortress of Minas Raithor.

So Minas Tirith wasn't warned. By the time they did, it was too late. Minas Tirith was also corrupted, weakened by the plague and the past war. The new darkness renamed it: Minas Dotheldir. One by one, fortresses were corrupted, villages were destroyed, woods were burnt, and Gondor was lost. The enemy advanced forwards, spreading darkness to Rohan. Edoras was destroyed, and many Eorlingas were lost in the flames of the fort. So the people of Rohan fled, towards the Gap of Rohan, or North, to Rivendell or Moria. Not all were this lucky. They were captured and sent to death.... or a worst fate.

The news had reached Fornost by now, where king Aragorn was assailed by a group of Rohirrim, pursued by a band of.... Other Rohirrim? Yes. This is the power of the Enemy: To turn those captured to their command, a mass army all operating under one dark power... The once free peoples slowly succumbed to the dreaded curse, and slowly their souls withered until there was nothing left except for the will of the Darkness.

The guards at the tower shot the Turned (as they called them) off their horses – which were gladly not turned, and listened to the survivors. He sent messages warning others of the dreadful news, to Moria, to Erebor, to the Grey Havens. He sent some to Eryn Lasgalen, or Mirkwood, but Mirkwood had been taken – all of it.

The dark power under Dol Guldur had remained – in the withered husk of the dark building, shadows had been lurking. They sprang out in Winter, when the Elves were weak and they had Turned by their side. They took the great realm of the wood-elves. King Thranduil fought, and fought, but in the end..... All are taken by the shadows. And so, Thranduil, the new commander of the Dark-elves had been sent to Moria to take the dwarves as their own, too.

But the dwarves, being already warned were armored to the bone, and jumped at the invasion with a ferocity not unlike those of a tiger. They fought off the invasion, with a heavy cost, and the Dark-elves retreated into the shadows. The dwarves gathered up the dead, and prepared for the next onslaught.

In Rivendell, an army of the enslaved people of Gondor attack Rivendell. Many fell. Some were taken away, only to return as a Enemy, under the shadows. Elrond commanded a meeting of the White Council – or what was left of it. In Isengard, or as it is named now, the Treegarth of Orthanc, was attacked by a large amount of Rohirrim. Treebeard roared in rage, as the Rohirrim was supposed to be their friends, but soon understood that it wasn't the Rohirrim, it was another dark force puppeteering the troops. A useless assault, as Orthanc is an enclosed space, and the Turned were on horses. The Ents obliterated the forces with a heavy heart, as these were their friends, and they did not wish to kill their once-friends. But what was happening in the Shire? Meriadoc Bradybuck and Peregrin Took was just enjoying a nice, lovely evening in the Shire. Merry puffed on his pipe contentedly and Pippin took a bite out of an apple.

They could suddenly hear the pounding of hoofbeats – they hadn't heard that noise since the War. They both frowned. The noise grew steadily louder until a figure appeared in sight. Pippin squinted. "Isn't that a messenger of the king, Merry?" He questioned.

Merry just stood there, looking at the rider. Finally, he smiled. "Are you ready for another adventure, Pip?"

He smiled back. "Always, Merry."

Then Merry took the apple out of Pippins hands and crunched on it.

"So, when do we start?" Merry said to the rider, with a inappropriate amount of Shire-apple in his mouth.

This adventure wouldn't be what they think it would be. Not in the slightest.

The king, that is too say, Aragorn, sent an envoy of soldiers to the mountains of Ered Luin, where the other dwarves delt. But they found the place deserted, the place ridden of all of its treasures, meals half prepared. It would seem like someone left the place in a great hurry. But they knew better. Dismayed, they headed back to the Grey Havens, where they would take a rest stop, before they ride to Fornost.

But what they found THERE couldn't surprise them more than anything.

AN: Was that good enough to continue, or:

Should this go straight to the land of washed – up Wattpad stories?

Let me know please!

Constructive criticism is very welcome!

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