x. unnamed accomplice

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HER NOSTRILS FILLED WITH AN ODD WAFT OF SOME KIND. She looked around and saw the opened can of spaghettios adjacent to a wooden crate. "I spruced the place up for you," Eddie kidded. She snorted at his facetious demeanor, handing off the container of leftover pancakes from this morning. He started to gnaw on the slightly dry food. Almost perfectly replicating the mannerisms of a stray dog that found something decently edible.

Though, Vivienne wordlessly sat in a corner, visibly peeved by something. He could feel it practically oozing from her complexion.

Quickly shoving one more down his throat he wiped his hands on the sides of his black ripped jeans. He neared what seemed like an isolated bubble of teen angst set to burst. Eddie warily pinched his lips together while he placed an unused box in front of her. Double checking to see if it wasn't too invasive for her liking. She remained unbothered. He hauls the box toward her until he was in close vicinity. Neither of them speaks at first. Vivienne kept her eyes on the chipped floorboards.

"Hey, you okay?" He softly called into question. Eddie's voice carried over making it clear he was walking on eggshells.

She rubbed her temples in exhaustion, raising her gaze to his own. "I don't even know where to start." Vivienne attested. He positioned his elbows on his thighs, linking his fingers to hold up his chin, ready to listen. Her mouth finally gives up on the stoicism, poking the inside of her cheek with her tongue. Eddie "the therapist" Munson did not have an appealing ring to it at all. Yet he made it known that it could turn out to be a different experience. It seemed to be a reoccurring pattern between them.

"Well, it took the existence of an alternate dimension to finally meet my grandpa. Who is also Victor Creel," Vivienne laughed.

Eddie ultimately broke into a boyish grin, "That is some sick joke, Porter." Blatantly presuming Vivienne was fooling around, not catching onto her sardonic laugh whatsoever. Her shoulders drooped officially claiming defeat. It was that or finding a miracle that could help her simplify everything that's boiled over the past few days. And to make it extra challenging the participant had little to no context on anything. This was in a category of its own. On par with the existence of aliens and their flying saucers.

According to Robin, they were completely credible including psychic demons. What could be more mind-blowing than that?

"Never mind," She grunted, shooting straight up. Mainly because if she were to stay seated for much longer then she would definitely be branded by the crate's opened ends. In spite of that, from an outside perspective, it looked like Vivienne was hurt by his choice of words. The outside perspective being Eddie, who rose to his own two feet. Barely recognizing she just had attempted to be one hundred percent genuine with him just now. "Shit, I didn't mean to upset you or anything," He relented.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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