vi. never have i ever

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


VIVIENNE ARRIVED AT THE NEAREST SUPERMARKET, BRADLEY'S BIG BUY. Ironically, she was told this place was used as a miniature nursing station for El's wounds. Not only that, but it was how they located Dustin and them in the mall when they intercepted an underground Russian base. Fun times, right? Based on her logic, if this place could be used as a base of operations then surely it could be for buying food like it was intended.

She grabbed a plastic basket and began looking around for what might satisfy the boy in hiding. First and foremost, she grabbed a huge pack of water bottles.

Not only to properly maintain hydration but so he could at least wash off any muck he may have sustained. From the description of Reefer Rick's shed, its conditions were far from clean. She wouldn't doubt it if he was sleeping by all kinds of cobwebs and dirt. Taking it upon herself to at least provide him with a makeshift shower and sink. She continued her shopping trip wanting to get out of the public eye as fast as she could.

To avoid any suspicion not that she was much of an attention grabber but you never know. Vivienne grabbed a variety of bagged snacks that required no cooking.

About to head out she remembered his specific request. The blonde contemplated it before giving in. Notably, it was the least she could do in his time of need. She grabbed a six-pack and trotted to the cashier. Who was being enthralled by a magazine, taking his sweet time noticing her. She purposely cleared her throat and he finally looked up. His movements were too slow that he made her want to snatch the scanner and do his job herself.

"I'm gonna need to see some ID for this," He drawled. It was her first time buying alcohol so she had no clue how this worked.

Vivienne was not a party person even if she were invited to come, she never did. She knew it could up her social status but frankly, she didn't care. Steve used to sometimes even miss the gratification of high school ragers. Before she got to know him through Robin she thought he was another high school bully who picked on others like Jonathan Byers for example. By the time she met him something had changed from then, he was brave and selfless.

"I'll take care of it," An unknown voice bubbled behind. Honestly, the teen employee didn't care as long as it was getting legally paid for.

Viv blinked a couple of times wondering if she heard him wrong. Given that, she also had no clue who this man was. He gave her a genuine smile, handing off his license and money to the detached cashier. "Voila paid. Want some help taking those to the car?" She couldn't tell if he was being nice or plain out flirty. To ensure that she doesn't misinterpret his actions she kindly declines. "Oh, well then it's no biggie, I'll bill you though," He chortled.

CIRCLES, eddie munsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن