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My alarm sounded at 6 sharp in the morning.

It wasn't at all necessary because I was already wide awake at 5:30.

I didn't know why I still bothered setting the alarm when I knew I would be up before it anyways.

I guess in some sick way I enjoyed the relentless beeping that would drive anyone insane.

"Welcome to a new day. It's time to get up, kick ass and take names."

I smiled to myself as my digital assistant, Celeste, recited today's affirmation in her chirpy robotic voice.

My curtains slowly parted and light filtered in through my glass window.

It was at that moment that I was attacked by a fast-moving tongue.

I laughed as my dog decided to bathe me in his saliva.

"Ok, Toy," I told the hyperactive Bulldog. "I get it, you're hungry, I'll feed you in a bit."

I looked at the other side of the bed for the umpteenth time. It was still empty.

After our dinner, Fred and I spent one more day in Milan before flying back to Los Angeles together. We'd arrived yesterday and after a long conversation that lasted late into the night I expected to see him curled up, fast asleep beside me but I had no such luck.

There was a piece of paper lying conspicuously on his pillow but I didn't make a move to retrieve it.

Not only was I not in the mood for more excuses, I didn't read letters. Not anymore.

"Great way to start the day, eh buddy?" I told my puppy then petted his soft dark head.

I swung my leg over my bed and stood up from our massive king-size bed.

Padding over to the floor-to-ceiling window I looked out unto the world below.

The people walked about, the cars drove in all directions and I was reminded of the fact that I wasn't the only one with problems.

After putting some music on I walked into my expansive kitchen and put some food in Toy's bowl.

When he was happily chomping away at the toasted flakes I took a shower, picked out my outfit for work and sat at my vanity to put on my armour.

Makeup had stopped being the stuff that brought out beauty a long time ago, to me it had become a shield behind which I hid everything that bothered me. Through it people would only see what I wanted them to see.

Slowly the apprehension in my brown eyes was hidden by a layer of stark black eyeliner, the trembling in my lips concealed by blood red lipstick and the pallor of my skin turned flawless by a coat of foundation.

I left my waist-length hair flowing but held it back with hair clips on both sides of my face.

I put on the black camisole and pencil skirt I had chosen and after slipping on a pair of pumps I was ready for work.

I debated whether or not to put on my engagement ring. We hadn't yet announced to the world that we were getting married and I was sure I would run into some paparazzi at some point today.

With a melancholic sigh I picked up the 10-carat ring and stuck it on my finger. Instantly it felt like a weight drawing me down.

That's what I get for being loyal. An empty bed and a sparkly ring.

I decided to ignore it and make myself a strawberry and banana shake to take to work.

"You be good now," I kissed my dog and walked down to the garage.

Into the Starry NightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora