Chapter 9 (Going to school with peter)

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-Time Skip-

Sol Pov;

As i was sleep, i heard my alarm go off at 5:30am. I bet y'all like what yo ass doing up at 5 in da morning, well i decide to go to school with peter because of this little fucker named flash. Anyways, i got up did my hygeine, took a shower, and woke peter up.

 Anyways, i got up did my hygeine, took a shower, and woke peter up

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

{I kno the outfit is a lil much for school,but this how she dress and she changed her hair color, but she got on a blonde and black wig like  the one in the picture above

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

{I kno the outfit is a lil much for school,but this how she dress and she changed her hair color, but she got on a blonde and black wig like  the one in the picture above.}

After I ate and woke peter up, i went to see what tony and bruce was doing cause I know they up at this hour. Seeing as i was correct, i kissed them and as what they was doing. They said they was working on tony repulsors because one of them got messed up when we fought ultron with his bitch ass. I said okay and told peter to come on, grab his plate, and he can eat in the car seeing as it was 7;30 and it took 30 minutes to get to school and school started at 8:05. You nervous, I said. A little bit mainly because flash i going to be bullying me cause i found my mate and shes beautiful, he said. Thanks baby and don't worry, Ima beat his ass so bad when i get there, I said. Don't pls, he said. ok, but if he coming wrong, Im beat his ass to he become complete, I said, thinking about that tiktok that said I will rain hellfire uopn you.

 ok, but if he coming wrong, Im beat his ass to he become complete, I said, thinking about that tiktok that said I will rain hellfire uopn you

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

When we finally got to school, everybody was looking at my car in envy, confusion because flash was already at school, shock and awe. Okay baby you ready, I said. Yes?, he said a lil nervous. okay come on, i said while giving his a kiss and getting out.

Omniscient Pov; As Sol stepped out the car, everybody was shock because 1. they didn't know about getting a new student, 2. she was beautiful, black and reach, and 3. peter Parker[the nerd] was in the car with this black beauty. As they made their way in the school, Boys and girls stared at peter Parker with hate and anger because he was with HER. Boys and girls were lusting after sol and were envious at the same time. PARKER I'm GOING TO BEAT YOUR NERD ASS, said a certain someone. he marched up t peter Parker mad because he was a nerd and be cause he had "his girl". Peter shivered a little bit as flash and his goons made a punch towards him and peter felt a little bad for the ass beating flash and his goons was about to receive. As soon as his fist was a few Centimeters from peter face, someone stopped it. Flash looked down at his hand shocked, along with everybody else, and seen the beauty before him stopped it. Sol punched his so fucking hard, he flew to his car and left a big dent in it. GASPS where heard throught the whole parking and sol then proceed to punch his goons, leaving him and his goons unconscious. Peter Parker will not be messed with anymore now that im hear and if i even see you look at him the wrong way, it your ass, Sol said. Got me, sol said. A lot of yeses and okay's were hear throughout the parking lot and sol grabbed a happy and relieved peter to take him and her to class because they were all 30 minutes late[Sol made sure her and peter got the same schedule] and the whole day were filled with laughs, meeting peter friends, envious and gold digging girls and boys.

I'M back guys!

I know the chapter is a little dry and boring, so pls comment on how i should do her and her mates going on dates, who get to take her virginity and should it be youngest to oldest, how long it takes until her heat comes up, and which other universe she will be going to by incident.

PLS comment and make sure to stay tuned in at all times to see what adventures sol will go on and I'm looking for some hero outfits, so send me some suggestions and i will consider them.

love your author,


Mi Amores (BWWM) Marvel, Mikealsons, And DC MatesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin