chapter 3 ( The talk and the truth about my heritage)

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As I pulled up to my ma and da I really feel the thick tension as I get out my car and walked to my old house. ( its a lil bit more darker outside).

I knocked on the door as I waited for them to answer

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I knocked on the door as I waited for them to answer. Hey baby I miss you said ma, I miss you too mami.

(A/n ; imagine sol parents how you wanna but ill probably say that ha dad is idris elba and ha ma angela bassett or someshit. Also, the underlined part is sol talking and the bolded parts are her cuzin, mates, or family).

As I walked in I asked where my da was and sat on the sofa. My ma was like he in his lil man cave or in his office working because my parents where self made billioniares and they own tech/computer company's.  I'm finna go say wassam right quick,  wait I gotta talk to you so sit that ass right back down.  Aright ma damn,  what I say bout cussin I'm my house  you said no cussin and what you gotta tell me and kentrell said wassam. Oh, he's down here and I want to tell you the truth about you and where your from.  I'm from new york, the bronx remember , you and da told me so.  Baby acually, you was put on our porch and we just keep you with a note saying "please take care of L.M. meaning lucifer moriningstar  and K.M  meaning kylie moriningstar baby. It also had  your real name which is Sol Morningstar and how their going to come back and get you when you get older and when you understand , how to control your powers -- hold up powers , so that mean I been living a fucking lie this whole time and my dad is the devil and my ma is the she devil.  Yes, let me finish my sentences damn, but um I gotta teach u half of your powers before you go of to new york and I had a vision , that your going to find your mates and there is going to be this mad titan you gotta fight with your mates called thanos. Alright , I'm so fuckin shocked , but can we like speed up to the powers and see what the hell kind a powers we got.  Alright, you also didn't know you had them because they were dormain and was pose to come on the day before you go to new york ,I don't know how in the hell they knew you was suppose to go back to new york but um let's get started on your powers. Alright ma🤣.

And with that we spent all night get me use to my power and when I tell you I got a lot of them fuckas, I mean a lot.

Another chapter down , um the next one is going to be bout ha powers.

(A/N the avengers when back to new york and a fight is about go down)


Love, yo author

Mi Amores (BWWM) Marvel, Mikealsons, And DC MatesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin