Chapter 2 ( catching up on family time and rollin)

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Sol pov;

So as we got home I was so excited that my family was here so, I busted my ass.

My cuz nem was laughing and I didn't think it was funny, so me being the petty person I am, I decided to get them back by pranking them and nt talking to them for the restof the the day until I fee the need too. They keep tryin to talk to me the whole day and I didn't respond so they just went upbto they room and I began plotting.

For my cuzo I decide to call him to come down the the stairs and put oil on them. I called him and he was like "o , so you finqlly talkin nie and I was like yea I gotta show you something". I was recording the whole time and when he got on that first step and slipped, I was cryin.

He was mad.
And for the other ones just know they was finna cry.
So after I got my revenge back, I decided  to talk to my mom, dad , and my.other family about moving to new york. So cuz memba when I said that I wanted to talk to you about new york. Yea, u said something about you wanting to move there because most of you businesses are up thea and you miss yo home town. Yeah, and ma said before I leave that she and da needed to talk to me bout somethin. I'm help you move up dea and then Ima go back to l.A. for a week, then I might come back to new york with ya. Alright , cuzo I'm finna go ova ma house , you coming , nawl I'm finna take a nap tired that a mothafucker and tell auntie and my uncle I said wassam. Alright see you when I get back. Alright love you and be safe , love you too and foeva dat. As I hopped back in my lambo and speed down the road, I wonda what ma and da wanna talk to me apbout and how see said it sounded serious.

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