Chapter 18 (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"She has made a decent apprentice. I will say it took quite a lot of time to get her fully compliant. Too stubborn for her own good. I wonder where she got that from?"

In an instant, both Kylo and Amidala were sent flying to the other side of the arena, both falling to the ground. They were cut off from Rey and Palpatine but Rey's presence in the Force was strong. Kylo knew she could handle herself.

Within moments, Amidala stood up and crashed her saber with Kylo, both of them stumbling into fighting positions. Kylo had to play this defensively, hoping to not hurt her. He just had to get through to her somehow. He only hoped Hux was doing better than he was.

Hux was pacing around the bridge, listening to his crew yell back and forth information to him. They were losing more men each hour, but were making a considerable dent in the Star Destroyers. Hux only had to buy them time down on the surface, as if time was the only thing they needed.

Hux had this nagging feeling as if he was needed. A silent voice in his head crying out for help. He could have been making it all up because he was stressed about the whole situation but it was something else. He could almost make it out to be Amidala. If only he was Force Sensitive, he would know for sure. Maybe it wasn't the Force. Maybe it was just that instinct that he knew his family needed him. That his daughter needed him.

"Mitaka, bring General Dameron online."

Without hesitation, Mitaka flipped the Comm Speaker to open. Many loud bands came from the speaker, then some mild cursing that was also followed by loud beeps.

"What is it Hugs, I'm kind of busy! Do you need us to retreat?"

"No Dameron......I needed to let you know that my presence is needed elsewhere. General Mitaka will take over for me in my absence."

"Hux, that's not, we need you here. There's a plan we have to follow. General Organa-"

He knew it was crazy, that's why he was doing it. There was no way in hell he would just stay up here while his family was down there.

"Dameron..........Poe, my family needs me. I trust Mitaka with my life. I need to do this."

A large sigh came over the speaker, followed by more beeps and boops.

"Ok. Be careful.......and may the Force be with you."

The Comm signal switched off, leaving his crew staring back at him. He could tell what they all were thinking.

"Ready my Tie-Advance. I must leave now."

The rest of the crew turned back to their monitors and Data-pads. Hux turned and left the bridge, walking to the hanger bay. Mitaka ran after him.

"Sir.....I'm not sure this is the best course of action...."

Hux turned to him smiling, setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Dophed, you are ready for this. You have always been ready. You are the finest Lieutenant I know. Your a General now. These are your people, don't forget that. Direct those men as I have directed you. Promise me that you will take care of them."

"Yes Sir.....Just, come back in one piece."

Hux smiled and walked to the docking bay, not looking back. They would be in good care, Hux knew that. He only hoped he wasn't too late.

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