Chapter 18 (Part 2)

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Kylo and Rey both landed the Falcon, walking into a large structure that was emitting lightning.

He could feel the Dark side strongly influence the planet. Kylo tried not to run but he couldn't help it. Rey closely followed after him. They descended to the lower level from a rock platform. Both of them looked around at the darkness, the only light being the lightning that would occur.

Kylo and Rey ignited their lightsabers, taking caution around every corner. Kylo noticed the yellow liquid tubes filled with bodies. More accurately, Snokes body. He didn't understand why they would be here. After all this time-.


He turned to Rey, looking at her walking up into a passage. She was staring at something on the other side. Kylo ran up with her, now realizing what she was staring at.

There was this large throne, in the center of some arena. Palpatine was hooked up to cables that held him up. He could feel Rey shaking next to him.

He suddenly felt someone come up behind them. Kylo turned around to see Sith Troopers behind them, taking both of their lightsabers and moving them out into the arena. Kylo tried to find an exit but there was none. He also tried looking for Amidala but he couldn't find her.

The troopers set both of them in front of Palapatine. Lightning flashed all around them. Kylo looked up at Palpatine's crippled face, only to find him smiling down at them.

Kylo wanted nothing more than to kill him.

"Where's Amidala? I will kill you, just as my Grandfather did. You will fail again."

Palpatine let out an unruly laugh, more lightning flashing around them. Kylo looked over to Rey who he could tell was scared, he could feel it through the Force. He needed to think of a way to get them out of this.

"My boy. I warned you, didn't I? From the day you were born I warned you about love, how it will destroy you in the end, but you did it anyway.......There is much power in her, but you failed to train her how to control it. For someone who claims his old master failed him, it seems to me that you have repeated history my boy. Looks like you could never grow out of the Skywalker namesake."

Palpatine unhooked himself from the wires, leaning down directly in Kylo's face. Kylo tried pulling away, but the troopers kept him held.

"Oh Kylo Ren, how the mighty have fallen......... Your daughter is gone I'm afraid. Only listens to the voice that gave her peace. Sad thing to know her fathers couldn't give her that. Too many wrong decisions in too little time. Just like little Ben Solo. Too weak to stop it."

You know I'm right.

No. He wasn't. Knowone had ever fought for Ben Solo. The whole Galaxy was fighting for Amidala. There was hope.

Kylo turned to Rey and nodded, both of them calling their lightsabers to each other and killing the troopers behind them. Once they were both free, Kylo ran to strike Palpatine, only for his lightsaber to be blocked by a beam of white, just before meeting with Palpatine. He could noticed her Lightsaber from anywhere.

Kylo looked down to see Amidala, emotionless, staring right back at him. He almost broke at seeing her like this. It wasn't her though. He couldn't tell how much of her was left. Had they been too late? No. There was still hope.

"Amidala, listen to me, this isn't you. I need you to listen to me, please. Give me a sign."

He only heard Palpatine laugh in response, placing his hand on her cheek. Kylo could only watch. He wanted to cut his hand off at that moment. Kylo didn't just want to kill him, he wanted him to feel every second of it. He had to deal with Amidala first though, then kill later.

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