Prologue: Old friend is coming

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Your POV

"Of course, [Y/N], you can stay for as long as you want!" Edd said happily.

"Wait, what? You're totally fine with me coming?" I asked confused. I thought that he would at least be a bit unsure, but he agreed to it immediately.

"Yes. As I said, you can stay for as long as you want."

"For as long as I want?"




"You don't have any rules like: I can stay only if I pay half of the rent or...?"

"What's rent?"

"..." (It seems like Edd doesn't really pay rent. That's weird. How does he even have a house anymore? Why didn't the landlord kick him out of the house?) More and more questions were filling my head until Edd interrupted my thoughts. "So, when are you coming?"

"Hmm... Maybe in two weeks?" That sounded more like a question than an answer.

"Okay then, I'll clean out Tom's old room so you can sleep there." Edd said with a bit of exhaustion in his voice. "Do you need any help packing your stuff, because me and my friends ca come and help?"

I knew Edd very well and I knew that even if I said no, he would insist on helping me anyway. I sigh. "Fine, you can come and help me out... but remember, in two weeks. Not. Any. Earlier!" I said, sounding like I was scolding a misbehaving child.

"Uh... Anyway, I gotta get going. Me and my friends are gonna watch a movie tonight! See ya soon, [Y/N]!" Edd exclaimed with joy, hanging up the phone.

(He always hangs up like that...) I thought to myself. (Classic Edd. I wonder what kind of friends he's made while I was gone. Must be many. He is a talkative person after all.)

I fell on my bed, tired from all the work I had to do today. Nervousness filled my body when I realised that I am going to see a friend I haven't seen in a long time.

(What will I say? He said he has friends so that means I'll have to meet them too! Ughh... This is going to be a nightmare.) I thought to myself while trying to stay calm. On the bright side, at least I'll finally have some new friends, but I just couldn't stop worrying about good first impressions.

I fell asleep after a while of my thoughts conflicting with each other. (I hope I don't mess this up like I always do...) I thought right before drifting away to sleep.

Two weeks later...

The time has come for me to go to London. I woke up to my alarm ringing annoyingly. It was 12:30 pm... 12:30 PM!! (EDD AND HIS FRIENDS ARE COMMING IN HALF AN HOUR!!!) I screamed in my head.

I got up quickly from my bed to get dressed. "Didn't I set my alarm for 8:00 am? Ugh... I must have dozed off again!" I said while putting my grey shirt on.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and realised my house was a mess... well crap.

Ever since my mum left to go on that business trip, my house hasn't really been the cleanest. No, it was even worse. I could smell my breakfast that I was supposed to have days ago rotting on the table. The couch was full of crisps and bread crums. Bookshelves were all dusty and dirty. And the floor, oh god, the floor!

I needed to clean this... and fast...

Half an hour later...

I heard a car outside the house pull up to the front. Nervousness took over again. I might have cleaned the house in time, but now I have to be a good host too!

The doorbell rang. I froze for a second, but then went to the door. I took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob. (Here we go.)

(So, how did you like the prologue? If you didn't like it, don't worry, it gets better in chapter 4... and yes, I've already written to that part. I'm now actually on chapter 11. I don't want you guys to wait that long so I've already written ahead. If anyone is even reading this. See you in a few days with a new chapter!~)

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