Chapter 20: A Trip to Earth

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Pernautica Mass-Transportative Space Station, Shuttle Bay, August 7th

"Uh, boss, which one was our ship again?" Kori asked as the duo walked through the hangar between the shuttles of various shapes and sizes.

"Oh, the ship we're looking for is parked in the spot labeled with my name," Martin answered, pointing to a comically oversized placard with labeled 'Commander Martin Harlingen.' Behind it was a spaceship about the length of a large RV, but wider to accommodate the type of engine necessary for space travel, and more aerodynamic. "I'm glad we were cleared to head down to the planet, although Gardy has to stay behind, and that I could convince them to ditch that pointless, outdated intern holophone policy. I guess we caught the chief on a good day. But, before we leave, do you have everything you want to bring?"

Kori rifled through her pocket dimensional bag. "Spacesuit, spare clothes, first aid kit, pokeballs, holophone charger, human-to-pokemon translation device, some in-flight snacks... the part of the world we're visiting is tropical so we should have sunscreen, sunglasses and plenty of water... a distress signal, just in case... and a camera to make new memories with. Yep, that's everything!"

With that, the commander pressed a button on a key fob in order to open the door to the ship so they could both board it. The living quarters had a futuristic vibe to them, exactly how one would imagine the inside of a personal spaceship from the distant future to look. As for the dashboard, there were all sorts of high-tech components, between lights, screens, gauges, and other systems for all manner of purposes. It was here that Martin walked over to, and he inserted his key into its slot to start the ship up. With some rumbling, the engine fired up, and Martin began to pilot it, steering it out of the hangar, through the airlock, and into the cold vacuum of outer space.

"Next stop: Earth!" Martin shouted as he activated the boosters, and Kori braced herself as the ship rocketed towards the planet.

Moon Continent Explorer's Guild, West Coast Branch

After over a week of waiting, Ryan finally got a chance to see if the mutual mind reader would actually work. He was a bit disappointed it had taken so long to get a chance, but better late than never.

The first thing he did was to test if his laptop still worked. As his teammates sat off to the side, waiting for their cue, he carefully pressed the power button. To his surprise, the fans started whirring and the screen soon came on as well.

"That's good to see," the glaceon said, relieved as he logged in, finding typing the password to be harder with his less dexterous paws. He then pulled the MMR to his side. "Now, to see about this thing... how do I use it..."

He pulled out an instruction manual from a slot in the machine, as well as a connector. He skipped the parts about turning on the device, adjusting the dishes, and getting a signal to find the section he wanted to see.

"Here we are: viewing memories." He began to read from the manual. "'To read memories instead of thoughts, flip the switch to memory mode and use the machine the same way you would with thoughts. Once a memory has been scanned, the MMR will save the signal as a video file compatible with whatever device is currently connected to the machine. Memories can be transferred wirelessly or via the included cable.'"

Terry then came over and plugged each end of the included cord into the laptop and MMR. A window opened on Ryan's laptop that displayed a 'Macro Cosmos' logo briefly before going to a blank screen reading 'Mutual Mind Reader detected. No Output Available'. A red LED activated on the MMR after the power switch had been flipped, indicating that it had properly connected with the other device.

"Step two complete," Ryan thought aloud before turning to Lena. "That's your cue, Lena. Go sit in front of the other end. I'll stay here; according to the manual it won't work unless there is a mind on each side that can be read."

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