Chapter 2 - Uriel

Start from the beginning

Right! An altered world, changed memories, and a Time Lord. Ravana was right, that she shouldn't expect much from Uriel. The guy was clearly delusional and belonged in a madhouse. Or worse, he was a member of the resistance and was trying to implicate her in whatever schemes they were planning.

"I can see from your expression that you do not believe me." Uriel's voice was soft and slightly disappointed. "I am an angel of the Lord. I cannot lie."

"Everybody lies."

He sighed, but didn't look away from her. "I was named Uriel after the light of God. This world is made of lies. And I will bring out the truth."

It was said like a promise, like a prayer. It ade Noemi shiver by the intensity of his power. She licked her lips trying to shake off the feeling.

"If angels are real -if you are one of them. Then, where are they? Why aren't they fighting to regain this true world you told me about, but instead are asking for my help?"

She knew it would be a heavy blow to Uriel, whether he believed he was a true angel or not. And the sadness in his blue eyes told her that she had succeeded in hurting him.

"The spell has locked Heaven out of this reality. The angels can't interfere and set things right."

"But you're here talking to me." she reminded him.

Uriel closed his eyes. Pain spread over his face. "I volunteered to sacrifice myself for the greater good. Since the gates of Heaven are locked, there's only one way to get out of there. For Heaven to expel you. So I clipped my wings and ripped out my grace. The sinfullest act I could commit. And so I fell. I fell from the magnitude of my home, from the embrace of my Father. I became a fallen angel for all the souls that are going to be lost but could have been saved."

Uriel opened his eyes and Noemi could see tears in them. The hunter tried to keep her own from falling down her cheeks. She didn't trust her voice to speak. She knew that if she tried it would be hoarse with remorse. Whether the story was true or not, Uriel believed it wholeheartedly.

"Still, you're here now." she managed to say after a while. "And you're all powerful. Why do you need me?"

"Because everyone felt it when I fell. The Witches and the demons are looking for me as we speak." he explained. "It will not be long before they find me. And when they do, it will prevent me from fulfilling my purpose."

"You want me to risk my head against Witches and demons on the vague belief that you might be telling the truth?" she gasped breathlessly.

Uriel's eyes pierced into her own. Noemi felt as if he was reaching inside her very soul. "You want proof of my dignity. And payment perhaps. My Father only knows what this reality has done to the souls wandering the world He created." he seemed to be talking to himself. "Very well then. I shall return. And when I do, you will do as I asked of your own free will."


No matter how much she didn't want to, Noemi's mind returned to Uriel several times in the days that followed. In her experience everybody lies, and yet, she didn't get that vibe from the so-called angel of the Lord. It was bizarre and it frustrated her to no end. Though, now she didn't have the time nor the luxury to puzzle herself with his confusing words and charming smile. She was about to go up there and face her last opponent. The image of Thran ran shivers down her spine. She didn't have the luxury of being intimidated by him either. There was a reason Thran had been the champion the last three times. He was extremely good. But Noemi needed to win the prize. If Thran wanted to buy it from her later, she would not object.

She could hear the ringmaster's voice announcing the start of the final match. But she could not make sense of the words. They sounded as if she was underwater. Snap out of it!, she hissed to herself. She fisted her hands tightly by her sides and her jaw set decisively. She walked purposely up to the stage and this time the crowd greeted her with loud howls and roars. It appeared that her last fight had been memorable.

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