"Is the bastard gone?" He turned at Dover's voice.

"Yes. I just had the satisfaction of hauling a blue and black Strafford into his carriage and threatening him with bodily harm if he ever so much as stepped foot into the area or approach them in London."

"Thank you." In the light shining through the open front door, he could see some blood flecks on the taller, older man's pristine white cravat and his cuffs.

"No thanks necessary. It was a great pleasure of mine indeed. Though I would have like to beat him up more. Maybe break a limb or two."

"Unfortunately, that was beyond me. I could only manage a broken nose and a black eye. How is Philip?"

"After he coughed up his guts, he's all right, I should think. I had two footmen help him up to his room just now and poured some hot tea down his throat. He should be sleeping it off right now."

"Thank you. By the way, Philip mentioned that you wish to discuss some parliamentary matters. I have informed him that we will meet after the conclusion of this party. Has he informed you?"

"Yes, he has. Thank you, my lord, for agreeing to this."

"No thanks necessary. It is the least I can do after what you and your family have done for him these last few years. You can come stay with us for a few days. I've plenty of game at one of my other smaller properties that I've decided to gift to Philip now that he's returned from the war. He'll need a place of his own."

"Certainly. That sounds splendid, my lord." He could hardly believe his good fortune for he'd only thought he would get a few hours at best.

"I will have an invitation sent. I best be seeing Philip now. Good night, Kendall." And turned on his heels.

"And to you, my lord." Heartened by the earl's words, Garrett pumped his fist into the air. And his spirits lifted further when he spied Miss Blackmore turning the corner of the house. "Miss Blackmore! What a pleasant surprise. Fancy meeting you out here."

"Indeed." She stepped into the light and he noticed how her blonde hair gleamed in the soft candlelight. He was struck anew by how pretty she looked tonight, even with the paste jewellery she had on. Somehow, she'd made everything she wore look elegant and refined on her person. He swore that even if she wore sackcloth and ashes, men would fall at her feet, even if she claimed otherwise.

He was certain he already had. Ever since she'd claimed he'd used his mother as an excuse to chase his sister away so he could gain her sole attention, he never found another chance to get her alone.

And he was dying to. Every time he spoke to her, he felt more alive than ever. "Might I accompany you on your walk?"

"Why do you assume I'm going to continue?"

"Because I wish that were the truth...?"

"And just because you wish something to happen, it must?"

He grinned, blocking her path as she tried to get back into the house. "Aye, I have missed your sharp tongue flaying me, Miss Blackmore."

She arched a brow. "Are you one who enjoys pain and mistakes it for pleasure, sir?"

"I'll have you know, madam, that pain and pleasure go quite well together."

"You sound quite the expert on this topic."

"I doubt it. But there are places that one can go to, to learn about such things." He knew he was bordering on indecency but he couldn't help himself. There was something about Miss Blackmore that brought out the devil in him.

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