Chapter 5

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That night, the informal dinner was anything but. Nearly a third of the guests were present for dinner — Adelaide counted eight — including Frederica, Dover and his brother. Because it was informal, they could sit where they please and Adelaide was happy that she was seated on the other end of the dining table from Wyndham.

However, whenever she turned to speak to the person on her right — Lady Payton who was her mother's dear friend — she found her eyes straying towards him like a magnet needle being pulled towards the North.

She didn't like that she still admired the way he looked in his coat — the shade only slightly darker than his hair — or the manner in which he'd styled his hair, with artfully arranged locks over his forehead. Or even the way he laughed and talked animatedly with his companion, a Lady Norbury who was the daughter of the Earl of Halifax.

So preoccupied was she with not wanting to look at Wyndham that she hardly spoke a word to Lady Payton, nor to Frederica, who was seated on her left.

While Lady Payton didn't quite mind not being engaged in conversation, Frederica noticed.

"Whatever is the matter? You've hardly said anything nor eaten much since the time we've sat down. What is troubling you so?"

Frederica didn't know about her feud with Wyndham for he hadn't been present at the Season. However, she wondered tonight if she should share this piece of history with her friend now that he was in attendance. She knew she would need the comfort of her friend should he prove to be too vexing for her.

Although recounting the story would mean revealing her true thoughts and feelings about Wyndham and she was undecided about that. It would seem like a tiny little thing. Yet, for the better part of her life, she'd nursed this secret within her until she couldn't distinguish herself without it.

She wasn't sure why she hesitated. Frederica knew about her secret thoughts about marriage and the arguments she'd with her mother. She'd even found a staunch supporter in Frederica regarding the "strange" notions the ton hadn't found palatable.

In essence, Frederica knew who she truly was. Not the person the ton thought she was. Yet, revealing this final piece about Wyndham would mean that there would be no more secrets she harboured.

"Nothing. I..."

"Adelaide, I'm certain that it is not 'nothing' you are worried about. Tell me."

"It isn't worry."

"Whatever it is then. This doldrums you're in. What caused them? You were quite well earlier in the day."

"I..." she sighed, abandoning the bread she'd been tearing into tiny pieces. "If there is a..." She decided to change tactics. "Are you acquainted with Lord Dover?"

"The earl?" Frederica furrowed her brows. "We have been introduced and have spoken once or twice in London, but we aren't well-acquainted."

"Then do you know of his brother?"

"Mr Wyndham? The one who went off to war?" Adelaide nodded in confirmation. "There was talk, and my aunt did make mention of him, for she loves to remark on how his decision was highly inappropriate. Is that not him seated at the end, in between Lady Norbury and Mr Thrupp?"

"Yes. Don't look at him," Adelaide hissed between her teeth as her friend tried to peer around her to look at the man. Frederica stared at her, obviously startled by the fierceness of her friend's command.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Then he will know we're talking about him." She continued before the other woman could say another word. "If there is a chance for you to speak to Mr Wyndham, would you like to? As a favour for me."

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