Chapter 6

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11 August 1815

Day 2 of agonising Torture

The next morning, after she'd broken her fast, Adelaide thought to take a morning walk with Frederica. After her late-night jaunt, dreams of Wyndham had plagued her and she'd barely any rest. She figured that a bit of fresh air would help rouse her spirits.

Her mother insisted that she take some of the guests along. "To let them see our grounds," her mother said. She would have done so gladly if Lord Dover and his brother weren't part of the group.

And so, her pleasure at being away from the one who deprived her of a good sleep was diminished.

Betsey was doing her hair and she tried to refrain from fidgeting but the thought of having to spend time with Wyndham again sent her thoughts careening and emotions crashing against one another until she was a turbulent mess inside.

Especially after last night.

She wondered if Garrett was aware. Dared she ask him? Her brother might be suspicious that she was taking a sudden interest in his friend.

She shook her head. No matter. Whether she knew or not wasn't of particular import or consequence to her. She only needed Frederica to help her discern his character. Anything else after that...she'd decide later.

Philip found himself paired off with Miss Blackmore. He wondered if it'd been a deliberate effort on Miss Kendall's part.

Not that he minded in the least. As they made their way around the grounds of Healey Manor, of which he was definitely the most familiar with, he looked around at the other guests who'd been grouped up and he found his companion for the morning walk to be one of the most fetching.

Her bonnet was trimmed with brightly coloured flowers while the green of her pelisse matched the newly unfurled leaves on the trees and brought out the green in her eyes. The white ruffles of her walking dress peeked out over the collar of her pelisse, framing her smooth, plump cheeks that were turning a pleasing pink in the warm summer breeze.

She looked quite pretty but half his attention was focused on the couple in front of him. His brother, Christopher, was walking in step with Miss Kendall, their faces constantly turned toward each other. Though her bonnet hid half her face from him, from the smile on his brother's faces and their animated conversation, they seemed to be thoroughly enjoying each other's company.

They looked quite suited as well. The sky-blue pelisse she donned was intricately embroidered along the hem and around the edge of her sleeves. Christopher's day coat looked to be the counterpart of her outfit.

Jealousy towards his brother sprung up without warning, growing like a seedling having been nourished by the rain, within him and he stewed in it. Hadn't he already made the decision to dislike her? Hadn't their mutual animosity been made known to the other. Why was he then still wrecked with envy that she was bestowing her attention on someone else?

"Don't you agree, Mr Wyndham?" The sweet voice of Miss Blackmore pulled him back from his dark thoughts.

He nodded in assent though he had no idea what he was agreeing to, and to distract her from that fact, he added, "I've been told that the key to living a long, peaceful life is to agree with whatever a woman says."

She laughed at that, the musical lilt of it reaching the ears of their walking companions. They both turned around to look at them, his brother with an indulgent smile while Miss Kendall's own smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

He tipped his hat because manners dictated he be polite, not because he'd changed his mind about wanting to further his acquaintance with her.

After a beat — in which he could sense an internal conflict — she nodded in acknowledgment before turning to face the front.

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