Chapter 12

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During dinner, Wyndham once again sat next to her. However, this time, she attempted to engage him in conversation instead of ignoring him like the last time.

It was quite a strained conversation and she wondered whether she'd imagined the closeness they'd forged in the library. The same dark thought rose. Was he now abandoning her and their friendship because he'd managed to steal a kiss from her?

The envy and jealousy and anger merged into a prickly ball of emotion that smashed her insides until she feared blood was seeping through her skin from all the damage done.

The rest of the dinner passed in silence between the two of them. Despondence grew inside her. It was an exact repetition of yesterday's dinner.

And it was precisely what drove her to consume so much drink last night.

She gasped and her knife fell from her hand only to drop onto the floor. The memory of last night came rushing back, like a swollen river dashing away the sandbags stacked to prevent damage to the land.

The confession she made about what she thought about him when she was a girl.

The fact that she still found his looks appealing.

The kiss she bestowed on him.

A footman replaced the knife she'd dropped, placing it on table but she didn't notice for she was focusing on the back of Wyndham's head.

Was that why he kissed her today? Because she'd initiated it last night?

But if he'd wanted to lord it over her, why did he not make mention of it? Why did he pretend he hadn't been a participant in their encounter?

Although he was seated right next to her, it wasn't a conversation she could have with him at the dinner table. She'd have to find a way to get him alone.

She needed to know why he did what he did.

The opportunity came much later when everyone was gathered in the drawing room once again after dinner. She was seated near the windows while everyone was milling about, finding partners for the dances that were to start soon.

A few people had drifted over to inquire about her ankle and chat with her, but by and large, she was left well alone.

Which she preferred.

She told John, the footman that's been assigned to carry her about, to fetch Wyndham and the man approached her reluctantly.

"Good evening, Mr Wyndham. Might I ask why you've been ignoring my attempts to hail you?"

"I know not what you mean."

She huffed. "Please do not try my patience, sir, by lying. You and I know both know you were avoiding me."

He sketched a bow. "My apologies."

"You can make it up to me by answering my next few questions truthfully." She gestured for him to take the empty seat next to her, which he did unenthusiastically.

"Ask away, Miss Kendall."

"Why did you pretend that you weren't present at the events of last night? When I was intoxicated, you were there the entire time."

He was slow to answer and she tried to temper her impatience. Finally, he said dispassionately, "I rather thought you'd like your modesty preserved. Some of the things you did were rather...indecorous."

"That is putting it mildly." She lifted the teacup she'd requested for. "I believe the word is wantonly." At his blank gaze, she pushed aside her humiliation for she wanted the truth from him. "I fully admit that my behaviour was not that of a gentle-bred lady. Now, it is time for you to admit your part in this."

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