Entry 21

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kennedy.rhys · Instagram
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December 21, 2020 8: 45 pm

I would just find myself humming your song at random times huhu


Sabi ko nga i-s-search ko rin 'yung lyrics nito lol



Olive skin, but it was painted blue
Oh how I wish I understood
Coz I thought that you were mad at this little kid that I was
Didn't realize, maybe it was the universe you despised

Raise your hands, reach for something
Do not lie, you're not okay
Your tear-stricken face tells it all
And you don't deserve this treatment
Raise your voice in this darkness
Let us know all your sufferings
Maybe they would understand

Hold my hand
Hold me tight
Let us scream the pain in the void hoping that somebody hears us out

But they don't
They'll never understand
We're stuck with the same fear of power
Twisting narratives, silencing truth
It's the universe we despise

Raise your hands, reach for something
Do not lie, you're not okay
Your tear-stricken face tells it all
And you don't deserve this treatment
Raise your voice in this darkness
Let us know all your sufferings
Maybe they would understand
Someday I hope somebody will understand
Forever this won't be kept in the dark


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