steve laughed staring back at the ceiling replying with a scoff "you just look really stupid today, more than usual."

"i must look really stupid by now since you say that every day" eddie let out a tired laugh, not actually being amused by the idea that he apparently 'looked stupid'.

steve laughed "something like that yeah." he paused before turning back to eddie, continuing "why are you here munson? usually i don't even see you in this class and i don't know if you've noticed but the class isn't about to start for another 10 minutes."

now staring at the boy opposite him eddie grinned "paying attention to me much harrington?" he raised his eyebrows in amusement as steves cheeks got seemingly pink.

"you wish munson" he snorted out. "no not really" eddie barked out "if i don't have to interact with you, i'll take it." steve raised an eyebrow at him "yet you continue to talk to me." he received an eye roll from the latter "boredom conversation." steves hand shoot to his chest, a fake offended look on his face as he whined "you wound me munson."

eddie rolled his eyes and turned away from the very annoying classmate. he dropped his head on the table, his arms cushioning it. he had no intention to talk to steve anymore, this conversation being being long enough already.

apparently steve didn't share the same thoughts as he started so speak once more, his voice now a whine "come onnn munson, talk to me, i'm bored."

eddie didn't bother lifting his head, just turned it to the side speaking through his hair "no talking harrington, i've already talked to you to much. feels like i'm loosing braincells." he returned his head to it's previous position.

steve sighed in desperation but remained quiet. slowly people started to pack in the classroom and eddie heard the other occupied himself with one of his girl friends.

eddie had absolutely no idea why steve would even talk to him. he made it abundantly clear the whole year that he hated his guts. and eddie feels exactly the same. he would never forget the night it all went to shit. yet he rarely wanted to remember it cause it just hurt to much.

"good morning class!" the teacher chirped as she walked into the classroom, heels clacking on the tiles and keys jangling from her hand.

"eddie, very good to actually see you in my class but it's now time to get up, we're starting the lesson" she reminded him, the boy groaning in annoyance but lifting himself up nonetheless, flipping his hair back. some eyes were on him as his classmates snickered but he just ignored it.

yes, he wasn't popular. shocker. but he really didn't want to be, didn't like all the rules that came with being popular. and frankly he never understood why anyone would want to be popular. i guess it was one of the reasons why he hates steves guts.


the lesson couldn't go by slower. eddie almost fell asleep three times, the teachers bang on the table successfully waking him up every time.

whatever was on the board, eddie didn't care for it. even tho he should have. he was positive he'd be failing history. knowing that can't happen because he'd likely flunk the grade again didn't really help, eddie still didn't care. he just wanted to go home and write songs or just smoke outside.

as the lesson came to an end and the bell rang, eddie almost sprinted out of the classroom, cutting steve who also desperately wanted to leave, off by a second.

"love the view munson" steve whistled behind him as eddie turned around seeing a mocking stare at his ass. and he didn't know what happened to him because at that moment he felt completely helpless and flustered. flipping steve the bird he just turned on his heel and walked away at a quick pace trying to escape the laughter.

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