Dean rolled his eyes, "No, it doesn't all make sense. She said the thing about the stairs ages before the grim. Meaning, she's a seer- Astrid pass me the mint."

"Or, it means she had already planned this out," Astrid countered, passing him two leaves of mint. Dean sent her to grab more, complaining that two leaves were useless.

Seamus' eyes narrowed, "Just admit she's a fraud. Why are you defending that nutcase anyway?"

Dean's face flushed, he looked very interested in mixing the ingredients all of a sudden. "Well," he began, slowly. "She said to careful with escapees and all I've been dreaming about has to do with Sirius Black! She had to have seen something or she wouldn't of said it!"

Astrid and Seamus glanced at each other, a mutual decision to burst out laughing shared between them. "You really think Sirius Black is after you?" Seamus asked between barks of laughter.

Dean threw beans at him, he annoyance visible. "Bugger off. When I die at the hands of Black I'll make sure to haunt you both."

"What do your dreams consist of?" Astrid asked, a teasing grin on her face. "Does he slaughter you while you're in bed, and is it like the movies where the lightning lights up his face? Oh, please tell us! We're dying to know."

She and Seamus propped up their heads in their hands, miming attentive school children.

Dean scowled, "I don't think I'm going to tell you."

"But Dean," Astrid pouted, "we really want to know."

"You're a right prat. I hate both of you."

Dean tried to ignore them as he finished up the homemade medicine. Though, eventually Astrid and Seamus had stopped teasing him so their silent treatment had come to an end. Astrid felt Dean and Seamus were the closest almost-like friends she had, putting their complete ignorance towards Astrid last year aside of course. She felt like she could be as kid like as she pleased around them- always indulging into their trouble-making, never a dull moment with the pair.

She took turns with Dean, mixing together the medicine, though Astrid wasn't really sure if their concoction was even edible. There was smoke coming out of the concrete mixing bowl, and the now-liquid had a green tint to it. She remembered from the mint book that it wasn't safe to eat too much, she hoped twenty leaves was below that 'too much' limit.

The medicine oddly smelled very good. Her nose filled with a soft, sweet scent. Like a spring morning in a flower filled garden, she hoped it tasted as good as it smelled. Dean finished mixing and poured his concoction into a glass bottle. He peered at his creation, bringing the bottle to his eyes. He smiled widely, seeming proud of himself.

Seamus drank it all at once, he must've also thought it tasted as good as it smelled. His face quickly turned sour as he painfully swallowed the green liquid. His nose crinkled and he gagged as it all went down his throat. "Are you trying to poison me?" he glared at Dean, the bad taste still in his mouth.

"Fine, next time suffer on your own," Dean grumbled. "I hope Trelawney curses you again, maybe it'll knock some gratefulness into you."

Dean and Seamus continued bickering as the three of them, ( including Astrid ) cleaned up. She decided not to side with anyone, claiming she was Swiss multiple times in their banter. After heading inside the castle, the three of them split up, the bell was about to ring signifying the end of their free period.

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