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Since Harry's arrival he had made a lot of friends, two being Allan and Victoria, the two werewolf students. So even though he was friendly with Dan and the boys he hangs around with, he was beginning to make his own circle of friends, ones he knew that liked him for real and not for how he was thought of.

He had received a long letter from both Sirius and Remus, with Remus thanking him for the potion and promised he would send Snivellius his regards, reading that made Harry laugh.

At the end of defence class he waited until everyone left, 'Professor Gibbons, I was wondering if you might be able to help with something.

''I will if I can Harry.''

"Well, I found I had the sight, I can see the enchantments around here, but I could see where Victoria and Allan were bitten, I saw a green glow.''

"A good gift to have,' she smiled.'Yeah, well, you know my story,' Harry put his hand to his scar, 'I was curious why I don't see anything when I look in the mirror. It was done by dark magic and I've had pain or twinges in it a lot over the years. Could it be the fact that it was a long time ago?'

'No, I don't think so, as for not seeing anything in a mirror, that is just a reflection. If there was some type of aura around your scar due to the dark magic that was used then someone with the gift would see it.''So the mirror won't reflect the glow since it's not really me just my reflection?'

'Correct, but I may have a solution, a spell that will show up the glow. It will only last for a minute at most, but it would show where the magic was used or in case of Victoria and Allan, where they were infected. I will need to go through my books, it's not a spell that is commonly used. Leave it with me and I will let you know when I find it.'

'Thanks professor, but another question. Since this was done by the killing curse, do you think it would show up green, like the curse?'

'An interesting question, you saw a green glow on two students who were infected with lycanthropy. The killing curse is green so there is a chance it will show that colour. Tell me, when you saw the glow on Victoria and Allan was it the same colour green as the killing curse?'

'No, it was light green, a bit dull really. I've been told the colour of my eyes is the same colour as the killing curse. I've been told that I have killing curse eyes,' Harry shrugged, 'But I used to have this dream when I was young, I'd see a flash of bright green light. I never knew what it meant until I found out about my parents.'

'You're eyes are the same colour, a very big coincidence, yet you get your eye colour from your mother.'

'Yeah, I do. I've never had a chance to really think about any of this before and since I only ever had Remus as one of my teachers, the only decent defence teacher, until you. I could never talk to any of the others about this, plus some get uncomfortable talking about unforgivables.'

'Yes, some people do not like to think of dark curses. But you can speak to me any time Harry. You case is rare, it's not like any of us can ever really know or study a person who has been hit with that curse and lived. Tell me, have any specialist healers ever studied your scar, or you?'

'Not that I know of, for all I know I was seen to that night, but no one has ever mentioned anything about that night. I know Hagrid took me from the house, Sirius wanted him to hand me over but he wouldn't. So Sirius gave Hagrid his bike to get me to safety before he went after Pettigrew. I dream of the green light and a scream, my mother, but that's all I remember.'

'Maybe it's time you do have a healer check your scar. After all these years you should not be getting any type of pain there. But again, you are the only person to survive that curse so it's hard to say. If it's alright with you, when I find the spell will you allow me to do some diagnostic spells over your scar, just to see what it might show up?'

'Sure, I hope it doesn't but if it does then I suppose I can work on seeing a healer. The twinges I get now seemed to becoming more regular.'

'Tell me about the times you felt pain or the twinges?'

'First time was when I was at the welcoming feast my first year at Hogwarts. I looked at Snape so I thought he caused the pain to shoot through my scar. I found out later that year it was caused by Quirrell, the teacher who had been sitting next to Snape, who happened to have the spirit of Voldemort possessing him. It hurt again during the year when I was serving detention, we had to go into the forbidden forest. I saw this thing drinking unicorn blood, such a sad sight that was, but my head felt like it was going to burst open, it was Quirrell with Voldemort. Later that night, in bed, my scar was bleeding. Over the next two years all I felt were twinges, but a few months back I was woken by a sharp pain in my scar, again it was bleeding.'

'What have you felt since you've been here?'

'Nothing, well, not really nothing, but like the twinges except I hardly felt it. It sort of felt like...' Harry thought for a minute, 'I'm not sure, like an uncomfortable flutter across my scar, that's really the only way I can describe it.'

'Then there is definitely something going on Harry. Most cursed scars will show up like yours but I've never heard of anyone feeling anything in them, and this is thirteen years later. But as I said, you are the only person to survive that curse so it's hard to say. Alright, come here on Saturday after lunch, I should have the spell found by then and I can do some basic spells to see what might show up.'

'Thanks Professor,' Harry gave her a smile then hurried towards the dining hall where he joined his table.Just as Harry was about to start eating he heard his name called and felt his pocket heat up. He took his mirror out to see Susan staring at him.'Hey love, is something wrong?'

'Not really, well, there is something going on with the old coot and you're ex friends. Neville, Hannah and I can't find out what they are up to, but Neville did hear them mention Remus.'

'It might have something to do with the potion. I found I'm pretty good at potions so I was able to help the potions teacher make the wolfsbane, I sent some to Remus so he wouldn't have to put up with Snape. Sirius and Remus both believe that Dumbledore was going to use the fact he supplies Remus with the potion to get information on me and where I am. Remus isn't going to tell the old man anything until he is approached, but he has another vial of Snape's potion so he doesn't expect to be contacted until he's due for the next delivery.'

'We'll keep a listen out, but they don't look happy at all. They keep hinting at Neville, trying to get information out of him about you. The only thing Neville has said is that you won't be back. They kept asking about Christmas, as if you would really spend it with them.'

'I'm spending it with my family and my girl. I hope I don't see them at all.'

'You'll probably only see them when you go shopping?'

'I'm doing it all here, I really don't want to bump into any of them, but I wouldn't put it past the old man to kidnap me.'

'We were talking about that, he could slip you a port key, hide you away somewhere.'

'Yeah, we just can't work out why. I mean he can't get the betrothal contract signed since my parents already did one, for you and me. Even if we weren't betrothed I still wouldn't touch her with Snape's bits.' Susan laughed, 'We heard a rumour, we're not sure if it's true. But some are saying that Ginny's been keeping boys company so she can show you how good sex with her will be.'

'It doesn't surprise me if she turns into the Hogwarts whore, but I'll only have sex with you, when we're a bit older. Just don't tell your aunt that, I don't want her to arrest me.'Susan laughed, 'I'll keep it from aunty. But I did want to ask if I could do something?'

'You can ask anything babe.'

'Well, I wanted them to overhear that you and I have...well, done stuff. We want to see if we can get Ginny to explode.'Harry laughed loudly, 'Go for it, then when I'm there at Christmas you can show me the memory using your aunts pensieve.'

'You're wonderful, I better go, I love you.'

'I love you too babe, talk to you soon,' Harry blew Susan a kiss then disconnected the mirror. It was only then that he realised he had everyone close to him listening. All Harry could do was shrug then went back to his meal.

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