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'They got them Harry, Barty, Peter and Voldemort. The unspeakables have Voldemort sealed in the department of mysteries. Peter was found guilty and sent through the veil, still trying to argue that he had no choice. Barty is back in Azkaban after receiving the dementors kiss,' Sirius said.

'The rest of the staff were cleared, but we're still taking precautions because of the students,' Amelia said.

'At least now we know how my name ended up in the goblet of fire. Did Dumbledore know he was a fake?'

'No, that was not part of his plan, he was trying to find a way to get you disqualified, he just didn't want you to know until he did it. He wanted you to be grateful, but you ruined his plans when you contacted Sirius. He was found guilty Harry, for his plans to kidnap you and kill Susan, he was given life in Azkaban. It has been warded to prevent a phoenix from entering, so he will die in Azkaban. Molly Weasley was found guilty, she will serve seven years, since technically all she did was agree to the plans. She never actually did anything illegal even though she planned to be involved with your death. Ginny Weasley is classed as a child, so she was expelled, her wand snapped, and her magic bound. She now lives with her aunt, Muriel Prewett, who I've heard is not a very nice woman. Again, since she did not actually do anything illegal, the most we could do is expel her for her part in Albus' plans, but she will be subjected to random visits from aurors. Hermione was also expelled, her wand snapped, and her magic bound. She was return to her parent's, but she has been placed on what the muggles call, probation. Now we found out through the use of veritaserum that none of the other Weasley's were involved.'

'I hope my parents can rest in peace now, along with all their other victims. Since Dumbledore was involved with the decision for my parents to hide under the fidelius charm, do you know if he was involved in their deaths?'

'No, he wasn't, but and I'm sorry about this, Severus was. He was the death eater who relayed the prophecy to Voldemort. Albus knew this but still employed him to teach. Severus' trial will be next week, but we already know he will be sent through the veil, for his crimes as a death eater along with his part in kidnapping you. If they finish their plans, then it would have meant your death. That will be brought up during the trial.'

'Albus told your parent's that a death eater heard the first part of the prophecy, he never told us who. Your mother did ask, Albus said he was under oath, so he could not communicate about the death eater. That wasn't true, he just did not want anyone to know it was Severus that way he could use him as a spy.'

'He is to blame for so much suffering, just like Voldemort.'

'He's paying for it now Harry, just like Voldemort. So will you come with us to Hogwarts?'

'Yeah, now I know he's locked up.'

'Then right after dinner we'll be taking a portkey, we will arrive inside Minerva's office, she is headmistress now. We will be heading to the seventh floor.'

'The room of requirement.'

'Yes, all we know is there is something dark inside that room.'

'When we opened the room of hidden things we could not believe what we were seeing. The room was bigger than Hogwarts and filled with a thousand years of items that students and staff have stored or hidden. If someone lost something, then over time it would find its way into that room,' Regulus said.

'Can Susan come with us?'

'I will leave that up to Susan,' Amelia said, 'Why don't you head out, talk it over, then after dinner we'll meet at the main doors.'

Harry and Susan nodded, they hugged their family then left the office, 'I believe Harry can began to heal now, even if we still have to work on removing that piece of soul,' Remus said.

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