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"And where have you been?" My tone comes out harsh, but I don't mind. I had been waiting in my foyer for him for the past hour, too restless to focus on anything but our impending conversation after returning from the marketplace.

He fashions a grin that I want to tear from his face. "Out with the colleagues. Work has become tiresome as of late."

"Mr. Dennings disagrees," I scathe.

His composure refuses to falter. "Oh?"

"Indeed. He believes to have seen a man of your likeness frequenting the doorstep of the recently widowed Mrs.Kennington." I conclude with a petulant turn of my lips.

"He must be mistaken, then." Still relaxed, he's now leaning against the wall he was standing next to. I try to keep my heart safe from the whiplash of the difference in his treatment of me.

"Mr. Davenport?" I prompt.

"Yes, Mrs. Davenport?" A step closer, so that now my lips may grace his right ear.

I lay my confession on his awaiting ears. "Your trysts only exist because I allow them to."

I remove myself from his vicinity because the idea of remaining within it brings bile to crawl up my throat.

"Is that right?" A scoff follows the question because as expected he doesn't believe me.

"Your horrifyingly feeble attempts to conceal your indiscretions aside, it would behoove you to remember that it is I who is in charge of the household's finances." Realization begins to settle in his expression — his body shutters down in shelter — but I've waited months for this moment and I will show it my teeth. "Every carriage ride, every ticket bought, every word you've spent on your women, I am aware of. And your ignorant belief otherwise demonstrates your limits as an intelligent creature of any sort. I've had dogs with more independent and capable thought than you."

"I find this quite unnecessary," he declares. It takes all of my strength to keep my hand from clawing at my neck and its missing necklace. "It's not if our marriage is real."

I draw upwards, seething at his dismissal. "I would have agreed with you a mere four hours ago if I had not received the insight of the perceptive Mr. Dennings."

"A nosy bastard." A grunt accompanies his conclusion. I want to punch him in the mouth. 

I gather myself once more, refusing to be struck down by an utter dependent. "Let me clear: if your extracurricular relationships continue to seep out of the intimate circle of knowledge that contains you, me, and whichever woman is so unfortunate as to be beguiled by you, I will make an equally public affront to you, dear husband."

"And what would that be, dear wife? Would you get a companion of your own?" He's cleaving at my vulnerabilities and my eyes are growing hot with the threat of traitorous tears.

Luckily, I'd had practice in what I'd wanted to yell at him with. "I'd settle on divorce. And before you let the wheels in your brain begin to creak with action, your acquisition of even half of my current fortune would be inconsequential the very next day. Unlike you, whose only financial attribute is the spending of money, I am equally capable of making it."

He mulls over my threat lazily. "I'll leave town." What?

I scramble for an answer. "I'm afraid that won't suffice unless your intention is to leave the country as well. Letters and hearsay have an influence further than the walls of our quaint city."

"And why is it I who has to leave the comfort of our home?"

I snap my response at him. "For it is you who have drawn this problem upon us."

"A contrivance you have perceived as a problem." The desire to throttle him mounts.

"Pray tell, what is your strategy behind fucking other women? Other than pulling our sham of a marriage into the spotlight of the entire town."

"I'm afraid my plans would fall immodest to your delicate ears, my love."

A sharp breath, and then my next words escape as virulent whispers. "Do not ever sully those words by utilizing them on me."

"My apologies. I shall take my leave now, Mrs. Davenport. I have a long night ahead of me."

"Give Susan my regards when you gift her that brooch bought with my money. A shame you spent a fortune on such an ugly and useless item. Although I do quite understand the feeling."

"Maybe I should have you select the present next time." He pretends to not notice my jibe.

"Maybe I should take her as my companion instead. I'm sure I would be more capable of pleasuring her. In and out of the bedroom."

He raises his eyebrows, a smirk curling his lips with knowledge that reinvigorates my infuriation. "Perhaps I was wrong, previously. Perhaps your ears are not as delicate as your beliefs make you seem."

"Those are big thoughts for a man with a shrunken pea for a brain."

"What can I say? I aim to surpass expectations."

"Leave now. You exhaust me." I pair the dismissal with a wave of my hand.

"Do join us if you have the chance, Mrs. Davenport. We'd love to host you."

"I'd rather limit the time I spend in your company, Mr. Davenport." He gives me a lopsided smile before turning away to leave out the door he had just entered from less than half an hour prior. "And remember, if I hear any more whispers of your unhidden indiscretions, I will be forced to make good on my threat."

"Yes, Mrs. Davenport. I aim to please."

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