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The marketplace is empty today, just as I like it. I only need some moonberry tea and a new book, so hopefully my journey would be quick and uneventful, also, just as I like it.

I find my tea, and next to it, a blustering Mr. Dennings. Shit.

Avoidance unlikely, I decide to greet him before he notices me. "Mr. Dennings!"

"Ah! Mrs. Davenport!" He smiles but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. I guess my actions at the party had stayed with him.

"I just wanted to say I'm terribly sorry for my behavior from the last time we met. I believe I ate something that didn't agree with me." I continue Trystan's lie.

That doesn't seem to settle his uneasiness. "Oh, it's no problem dear! I understand completely." He purses his lips in consideration.

"Was there anything you needed?" I prompt, in equal parts curiosity and apprehension.

"Yes, dear. I needed to speak with you, actually. It's quite fortunate we ran into each other here." His head bobs, as if he's agreeing with himself. "I do believe I saw your husband departing from Mrs. Kennington's abode in the early morning."

"Oh." I let my face fall, and the disappointment is not completely disingenuous this time.

Mr. Dennings continues. "I'm sure you're aware that Mrs. Kennington is recently widowed and I'm not sure why Mr. Davenport would have any reason to visit her household other than to..." he trails off, the thought too unsavory for him to fathom.

"Thank you for telling me, Mr. Dennings. I would appreciate it if you could keep this between us. I don't enjoy the rumors." I construct him a broken smile to convince him further.

"Of course, my dear. I understand. The rumors haven't been particularly kind to Rylan as of late either. Please reach out if you need anything." I try for another smile, before giving him my goodbye and heading back to my carriage, moonberry tea and book forgotten.

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