Salim, albeit no longer attends the same school as them considering he has already graduated, still was a good friend of theirs despite the two years' age difference. He wasn't one to keep friends, he couldn't make them even if he wants to so those two are all he has.

It was simply the three of them. Aslam, Haroon and Salim.

Aslam groaned again not really wanting to talk about how he was rejected. "Don't bring that up please" He muttered, shaking his head as he dropped the game pad aside.

"Now I definitely want to hear" That was Salim, as jovial as ever. Amongst the three of them, he's also the jovial one. It was hard not to like him. He didn't have any problems and gets along with people well—he treated everyone the right way, even those that did him wrong.

He wasn't one to hold grudges. And whenever there's a misunderstanding between the three of them, he was always the first to settle it. He would apologize, even if he isn't at fault—which he isn't on almost all cases. Even if Haroon and Aslam fall apart, he brings them back together.

In times they need a good friend, he's the one. When they need a support system, he's their guy. And when they need an elder brother, a serious one, he's also the one.

"Yeah" Haroon chuckled, in agreement to what Salim said. "Tell us, what happened?" He has a feeling it didn't go well, but he still wanted to hear it to make fun of Aslam, and at the same time, console him.

Aslam hissed lightly, burying his face in between his palms. He didn't want to tell them, knowing they'll make fun of him before anything else. What's worse is he didn't even want to propose to the girl—it isn't his thing. Even if he has a crush on a girl, he keeps it to himself till the feelings disappear no matter how strong the feelings are. It was a bad trait of his.

He discards it knowing it'll only last for so long.

Quite unfortunately, this time, he allowed himself to be swayed by Haroon who gave him all sorts of advice on how to woo the girl. And for a moment, Aslam took Haroon's words for it because between them, he's the popular one while Aslam is the nerd that has his nose buried in his books all the time.

Despite being popular though, Haroon was single like a pringle. In his words, 'The coach doesn't play'

In other words, it was simply the blind leading another blind one.

Salim didn't say a word while Haroon brainwashed Aslam into expressing his feelings. He wanted to see how it'll play out to be knowing it'll be one interesting show. He was curious to see if Aslam could actually do it and break out of his shell or not.

Much to his despair, Aslam ended up telling them what happened—leaving out the part where a younger girl overheard the whole rejected and even laughed at him to how he ended up helping her prepare for the test.

By the time he was done, both men were laughing at him just as he expected. And he was simply sulking because there's nothing else for him to do.

"Wait? She rejected you and your roses?" Haroon asked, for the nth time. "She doesn't know how you stole them from your grandfather's garden just so you could give it to her" He laughed out loud.

Aslam glared at him, "I didn't steal it" Technically, he did. His father cares a great deal about that garden of his. He doesn't like anyone going even near it. Yet somehow, Aslam managed to sneak in there and pluck his precious white roses. Had it been he got caught, it would've been over for him.

"I can't believe he rejected you simply because she thinks you're poor" Salim lamented, when he was done with his own share of laughter.

Aslam shrugged, sinking back in his seat. That didn't really bother him. He meant it when he told her money isn't a problem. He doesn't even see what money has to do with this to be honest.

Sincerely, Aishatu✅Where stories live. Discover now