Caera just gave me a playful smile, "A lady needs to keep some secrets you know."

Caera dashed towards me again and prepared to attack with a sideways motion. I jumped up using wind magic jumping over Caera, twisting in the air and landing behind her, facing her. I dashed forwards using Thunderclap Impulse.

Caera quickly spun on her heels to face me and swung her sword downwards at me in a swift motion. I dashed to the side, but her sword followed me. I quickly brought my sword up and parried her attack, but Caera continued to apply pressure in her attack and pushed me back. I skidded to a halt trying to regain my balance. I stood up getting ready to dash forwards, until I looked up and saw Caera in the air falling towards me with her sword above her head. My eyes went wide as I slammed my sword in the ground creating a cyclone of fire in front of me.

'Crap, that may have been too much.'

Suddenly, I thought I saw black flames in the middle of the cyclone as Caera burst forwards through it. Caera landed in front of me and I quickly stood as Caera dashed forwards. She swung her sword at me in a sideways motion, I raised my sword to parry her attack. However, Caera's attack was a feint, as she quickly twirled and got behind me.

I turned to defend myself, but Caera was too fast as she shoulder checked me, knocking me to the ground on my back. Before I could do anything, Caera's red sword stabbed the earth next to my head. My eyes went wide and I looked at Caera who was looking down at me with a smug smile.

"I believe this is my win, Captain." Caera said.

I just let out a sigh, "Yes, I guess so." I said reluctantly.

Caera pulled her sword from the ground and put it into her dimensional ring. I put my sword away in my ring as well as Caera reached her hand out. I took her smooth hand, as she helped me up as I stood straight.

"Good fight Caera." I said as I started to walk away.

"Ah-em." I heard as Caera cleared her throat. I sighed as I turned around to face her. She looked at me proudly with a raised brow and a smile. "I believe, you have something to tell me." Caera said playfully as she crossed her arms.

I narrowed my eyes. "Yu th bete swodma." I mumbled. "

I'm sorry, what was that?" Caera asked playfully as she held her hand to her ear.

I let out a huff as I crossed my arms looking to the side. "You're the better swordsman." I said grumbling.

Caera smiled brightly as she crossed her arms smugly.

"Ah, don't be sour, Captain. I'm more then happy to help you better your swordsmanship." Caera said teasingly.

I narrowed my eyes at this, "Enjoy your victory while it lasts. Next time the victory will be mine." I said.

Caera just shrugged as she walked towards me. She poked me on the shoulder, and brushed her finger across my chest as she walked past. "Whatever helps you feel better Captain." Caera said with a smirk.

I narrowed my eyes at her again, "WhAtEvEr HeLpS YoU FeEl BeTtEr CaPtAiN." I said in a mocking tone.

Caera just narrowed her eyes at me. "Are you mocking me?" Caera asked.

I just shrugged, "Maybe." I said innocently.

Caera just gave me a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She quickly reached her hand out and flicked me in the forehead.

"Ow!" I said rubbing my forehead. I narrowed my eyes at her, as I reached out to flick her back.

Caera quickly grabbed my wrist and flicked me in the forehead again with her other hand. Caera then released me and stepped back while she started laughing. I just let out a huff and walked past her and grabbed my disciplinary committee jacket.

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