Getting A Full View

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There were multiple different and interesting views on the situation, regarding Tezz. Some having little idea on what was going on, some developing theories on what could've happened. Some not as anxious as others, Some very fearful for Tezz's security and mental\physical health.

Lou stated this while discussing her feelings on the situation, and I quote -

"Probably since about two weeks ago, I noticed the lore accounts just stopped. I didn't think much of it- people have their own lives, maybe Tezz was just taking a break to work on other projects or figure things out - but then people in the group chat started worrying. I'll be honest; I'm pretty worried at this point, too."

This statement could hit home for a lot of rebels since it almost summarized the mass feeling for skepticism.

June 22nd-25th is as far as I can backtrack. This is when Nova and Circles were mostly talking to Tezz.
(Disclaimer: I will be marking out the actual texts of these peoples screenshots to insure privacy)

 (Disclaimer: I will be marking out the actual texts of these peoples screenshots to insure privacy)

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This is a screenshot that was given to me by Nova as proof of when she last texted HRD.

A common date many people have named was July 12th. This was the last time Tezz spoke in our groupchat, this is the last time Circles spoke to Lacch, and, of course, the last time I heard from Tezz.

But the final few days of hearing from Tezz must've been around July 13th, because after that, multiple people have came forward saying that they haven't heard from Tezz days after texting him. I texted him July 15th and got no response. Same with Circles on July 20th, and Miko on July 23rd. Tezz also hasn't posted anything on his conversations page since July 13th.

There are multiple different speculations on what may have happened.

There are multiple different speculations on what may have happened

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- This quote is from my conversation with Nova

- This quote is from my conversation with Miko

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- This quote is from my conversation with Miko

- This quote is from my conversation with Emma

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- This quote is from my conversation with Emma

-This quote is from my conversation with Circles

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-This quote is from my conversation with Circles

Worried or not, optimistic or negative, there's no doubt that this has had an impact. It's important to know that Tezz has, in the past, mentioned his struggle with having a disadvantaged knee. But it's uncertain if his knee was the true cause of his disappearance. He's also openly admitted his struggle with mental illness, but it's also up for debate if that's the reason for him going missing on the app.

Either way, we hope to hear from both Tezz and Renee very soon. If this progresses into next week, I fear panic will spread amongst us rebels, and things will begin to become out of hand.

To spread awareness, and, hopefully, get some answers, I ask everyone to use the hashtags #WhereIsTezz #FindRenee and/or #WhereAreThey wherever they seem appropriate. Itwould be greatly appreciated by everyone on team rebels and team neutrals. Until next time folks, I'll see you later. - Mr Waffles, your friendly neighborhood journalist

( this article was published and Created by Mr Waffles : D )

( this article was grammar checked by Miko Otonokoji/Miko-is-sleepy [cake/cakeself])

Whatever Happened to Tezz (Creator Of COD) and Renee? (HRD)Where stories live. Discover now