Retracing Our Steps

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Before I get into the depths of the interviews and explaining the info, I'll first be regarding what I knew before then. The very last time I heard from the cult was July 12th. You may see that date a lot throughout this article. I last messaged Renee July 8th with a clear answer, and I last messaged Tezz on July 15. He never responded that day.

I personally am not close with him other than a few communications about my petitions and active work. At the start of all this, it was brought to my knowledge by Emotion who is also a dear friend of mine. He informed me of this from the moment that he noticed Tezz wasn't as active on the platform anymore, which was around July 6th 22.

I was optimistic that something was going on that day, and he couldnt keep up with wattpad. Then it continued into the next day, then the next day, then the next week, then the next 2 weeks. Looking around at all the very awesome and devoted rebels. I knew I had to get as many persepectives on this case as I could, which leads us up to our interviews.

Whatever Happened to Tezz (Creator Of COD) and Renee? (HRD)Where stories live. Discover now