XANA Awakens: Part 1

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Diary of Jeremy Belpois, Kadic Academy, 8th grade student, October 9th.

A few weeks ago, I was hunting for parts to finish building my miniature robots.

I couldn't find anything around here I could use, so I decided to rummage for scrap in the abandoned factory not far from the Academy.

I figured that I could find plenty of cool old mechanical stuff left inside there that would be useful.

And I wasn't disappointed! It was unbelievable!

I stumbled into some sort of complex with an entire computer lab, with scanners, and especially this totally intense mainframe.

For the moment, I haven't told anyone. It's my little secret. It's the coolest thing that's ever happened to me. And that wasn't all.

That night, even though I was scared stiff, I decidet to start up the computer.

Jeremy was standing in the Supercalculator room, looking at a lever.

I hope I'm not gonna regret this in a minute.

OK, go!

He pulls the lever and the whole room lits up, screaming, backing away in the elevator.

He goes up two floors and steps into the Lab, sitting on the chair.

Now, let's see what you've got under the hood, my friend.

He powers up the Supercomputer.

A window pops open the moment he does, revealing Aelita.


Wow! What's all this? A video game?


Who... who are you? Where... where am I?


(more gasping, eyeglasses almost falling off)

Scene cuts and they're now at school, in the Science Lab.



Are you Ulrich Stern?


He looks Odd up and down.

That depends. Who wants to know?


Odd Della Robbia! His brand new roommate!

He shifts on the chair next to Ulrich.




I'm new at the Academy, and the principal told me to move in with you.


(raising a brow)

Latch onto me, sounds more like it.


Relax! I'm totally cool.

Trust me, you'll see you won't even know I'm there.


I sure hope so. Look, we don't exactly go way back. So just for now, let's take things nice and slow, OK?

Code Lyoko Script | English Version | 2003-2007Where stories live. Discover now