We got to go shopping

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Astumu POV

I woke up to a germaphobe holding me in his warm embrace. I guess he noticed I woke up so he decide to wake up as well. He had the most adorable morning face I have ever seen and i've seen a lot of morning faces. Not saying I had a lot of ex's but I had my share few. They were all assholes who cheated on me behind my back thus the reason I have trust issues. My last ex was probably my worst he was a total psychopath and liar. 

"Astumu quit staring at me like a creep..."

"s-sorry...how was your sleep?"

"good." He had the most handsome morning voice in the world. It was so deep and rough yet gentle and calming. Its weird trying to explain it.

"I'm taking you shopping today."


"Because i'm tired of seeing you wear all my damn boxers."

"but whyyyyyyyyy?"

"stop being a drama queen, you been here one day and wore 12 pair of my favorite boxers. I don't even know how the hell that even happens. What are you doing changing boxers everytime you exit the bathroom?"

"That's exactly what I do plus I shower hourly."

"Who the hell does that?"

"Me clearly." I roll my eyes and i guess he didn't like that so he ends up choking me with one hand. Kinky.

"Don't talk back to me brat."

"Yes daddy." His face immediately turned red from him blushing and I couldn't help but smile.

"Daddy kink much?"

"Sh-Shut the fuck up."

"You must also have a choking kink the way your choking me right now."

"I..." He immediately let the room and went inside the bathroom in the hall way."

"IS SOMETHING WRONG?" I yelled from the bed.

"NO." This whole situation was adorable he probably just got hard. I got up out of bed and put on one of his hoodies and walked up to the bathroom door. I started beating on the door until it swong open.

"Astumu you don't have to beat the door down I heard you knock the first time."

"Well then answer next time."

"Is that my hoodie?"

"It's not mines so who you think it is?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Make me."

"No because your trying to bait me into kissing you."

"And you don't want to?" I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Nobody said all that what i said was your trying to bait me into kissing you."

"Awwwwww so you would?"

"...Go get dressed so we can go."

"Speak for yourself you need to put on some clothes too your in your boxers right now."

"Shut up."

We walked back to the bed room and I picked out an outfit for the both of us. Omi has a very blain taste so it was hard trying to get him to agree with what I wanted him to wear, but he eventually ended up wearing what I wanted him to wear. After we got dressed we walked to his garage and he suprisingly opened the door for me, I got in and he closed it and got in the car himself.

The ride to the mall was very entertaining because Omi was talking to be about a number of things he even said eventually I'll get to go out to balls and events with him. I sorta trust him but not to trusting. Once we go in the mall we looked around for all sorts of stuff for me. Clothes, shoes, personal hand bags, robes, lingerie, and jewerly. Being totally honest Omi doesn't actually know I brought the lingerie on his card but it won't kill him plus you never know when a bitch might need some. Anyway we were headed to the food court until Omi suddenly stopped. I saw him looking at some gang war or something about to go down.

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