Luka vs. Kira

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Kira woke standing up, which was odd. Beside him, Luka was gaining consciousness the same way. They were in an alley. To his left, Kira saw a red mailbox.


A voice echoed down the walls, "Luka! You have to listen to me! Walk straight towards me, and whatever you do, don't turn around!"

So that's how I get out of here

Unfortunately for him, Josuke had just told Kira exactly how to escape the nightmarish fate that had befallen him last time he found himself in this alley.

"W-what?" Luka asked groggily.

Kira grinned, "Don't worry Luka, you'll be fine."

Killer Queen rose behind the blue haired boy, raising its thumb.

Josuke screamed, but it was too late.

Kira's stand brought its thumb down, and two small explosions ripped Luka's knees to shreds.

The explosions were small but mighty, tearing through flesh and bone as if it were paper. Luka screamed in agony, now fully aware of what was happening. Josuke also cried out to his fallen friend, but it was too late. Luka fell to the ground and looked up, sealing his fate.

The tsunami of rotting arms emerged from the darkness, gripping the teen and leaving no chance of escape. Kira almost felt pity for the boy, but it was too late for him now.

"Goodbye Luka, I'll make sure to take care of Marinette while you're away."

Luke seethed, but couldn't speak. Wherever he was going, it wouldn't be pleasant, and they all knew it.

The arms straightened, pulling back at breakneck speed. In a flash, Luka was gone.

"YOU MONSTER!" Josuke screamed at the end of the tunnel, "Go ahead, escape the alley! I'll kill you myself!"

This was a problem, Kira realized. Even if he made it to the end of the corridor, Josuke was now waiting to bash his brains in. He was at a loss.

Josuke's eyes widened. Behind him, Kira heard an electric crackling.

One of SpaceTime's portals? Behind me?

He knew what he had to do.

"No!" Josuke screamed, but it was too late. Kira had already turned around.

The hands once again emerged from the shadowy world at the end of the alleyway, and grabbed his body. Only this time, that was part of the plan.

They pulled him backwards, and right through the portal.

Kira gasped, choking on nothing as he sat up. He was back in the courtyard, and Ladybug and Cat Noir had just done their signature victorious fist bump. There was another person sitting next to them, likely the normal version of SpaceTime, looking very confused.

He knew the feeling.

Ladybug saw him sitting there, and moved to help pick him up. "Are you ok?" She asked. Kira couldn't help but look at her hands. The spotted spandex hugged the curves of her fingers, the fingers that were interlocked with his own.

Standing up, she smiled at him. He smiled back, still holding her hand. Whenever Ladybug realized this, her face turned as red as her costume, and she nearly threw his hand away.

"I'm glad you're safe sir."

Kira nodded, and the hero, using her yo-yo weapon as a grapple, launched herself out of the open courtyard with a nimble grace.


It's been an eventful couple of months, but I think I'm finally starting to get used to this life

Kira looked to his new girlfriend, and clutched her hand tightly. Of course, she was nothing more than a hand, along with his memory had come a newfound control of Killer Queen. The hand was exactly right, not too much wrist, just how he liked it.

Slipping a ring onto her finger, he smiled. There was no longer a draw to Marinette, he respected her too much for that. There were only complications whenever he had spent more than a few days by himself.

The door opened, and the hero-alter-ego herself came into his room. Using Killer Queen to stealthily hide his new girlfriend in his hidden space under his bed, he turned to face her.

"Hello Marinette." He wondered what she needed, she usually never came into his room this late. She spoke softly, "Hey Kira."

He leaned in, her voice was almost at a whisper. She continued, "I was wondering, if maybe, you would want to hang out after school on Monday...?"

Is she asking me out on a date?!?

He knew he had been to friendly, this was his fault, he'd been too careless. But at the same time, a part of him wanted to say yes.

Curse this teenage body

It's ok, just say no

"Of course, Marinette, I'd love to."


What just happened?

She smiled, apparently at a loss of words. Kira couldn't tell if she was having a cardiac event or if she was happy with his response.

Marinette closed his door, and he heard faint whispering from the other side. Curiosity got the best of him, and he moved to the door. Placing his ear to the wood, he listened.

"I can't believe he said yes!"

"Are you sure about this Marinette? I thought you were in love with Adrien?"

"I was, I think. But my feelings have changed."

"If you say so, only you know what your heart is feeling."

Kira nearly gagged. Whoever she was talking to was incredibly lame. He didn't recognize the voice, and it was coming through too clear to be a phone call.


But the voice on the other end of the door was a mystery for another day. For now, he needed to start his routine if he was going to get the sleep he needed.

Laying out his yoga mat, and lighting several candles the nice scents he enjoyed, he began to stretch.


Through a veil in the spirit realm, a ghostly figure watched Yoshikage Kira. It was a shame they didn't have full control of the arms in the alley, Luka would have made a good assassin. But alas, the boy's soul was lost for good. As were the spirit's two best friends.

Grabbing a glowing green dagger off of a mantle on the wall, the spirit grinned.

This will do the job nicely

Quinn narrowed their eyes, and began to formulate their final plan.

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