Fifth Names Day

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That was the best sleep of my life

Or at least, the best sleep he could remember. Kira's days as a wandering Spirit, while full of flair and adventure, warranted many a sleepless night.

He enjoyed a long, warm shower, complete with scented soaps and scents borrowed from Marinette the night before. She clearly had no idea what he preferred, as there were 6 different brands he could choose from.

He skimmed the selection, and after opening each bottle and giving careful consideration to all involved, he settled on lavender. There was matching conditioner and shampoo to go with his preference.

He panicked when he saw something standing behind him in the reflection of the misty glass, but relaxed when he looked closer, it was just the cat-like Spirit that had been following him around.

He was beginning to enjoy it's company, though it never spoke, or even blinked, it was familiar. A feeling that wasn't too common in his everyday life.

He made his way out of the bathroom, felt his legs quiver, and nearly fell onto the floor. He still wasn't used to having actual muscles, and after a single day of walking from class to class his legs were killing him. He threw on a pair of black pants, laid out one of his colorful blankets, and began to stretch.

He went through an oddly specific routine, with complex positions that no one could have ever pulled off without practice. Although he wasn't sure, he suspected they were remnants of his former life. At some point he would have to start making notes of every time he suspected his old self was coming through.

"Hey Kira? I was just wondering if you-"

Marinette pushed through his door, he knew he should have locked it, and they locked eyes as he was finishing his last pose. She gasped, most likely due to the fact she just barged in on him upside down with his legs twisted around himself. She reddened, and he considered the possibility it was because he was shirtless.


He scoffed at the idea, a high schooler like her falling for someone like him. He knew he didn't look it, but somehow he knew he was around 35. One of the best parts of his teen transformation was how limber he was now that he was back in a younger form.

He tested his new abilities during his gym class the day before. He started by lifting weights, then moved on to other tests. He could jump nearly a foot higher than their previous champion, and outdid all other records by an outstanding margin. The other boys were obviously upset, and he ended up leaving quickly after he refused the coach's offer to join any of the sports teams the school had to offer.

That was careless, I need to maintain a low profile.

He had a clear plan for his school year, he would keep a B+ average, perfectly normal, not special in any way, shape, or form. He had meant to request back of the class seating due to a fictitious medical condition, but the principal was apparently out that day. The school official standing in his place refused to disclose when he would be returning, so for now he was stuck where he was, which was right beside Marinette.

After she finally left his room, without asking him whatever it was she had come in to request of him, he stood, tension released from his body. He decided on loose black pants, a collared white shirt, and a sleek black vest. He didn't care enough to tuck it in, he knew whatever he wore the other students would look over him all the same.


Why did I stop? I was only going to ask him if he had a pen!

Marinette was getting tired of freezing in front of guys. First Adrien, and then Luka. Now it was Kira, and it didn't help that he lived in the same house as her, not to mention right across from her.

But she couldn't think of Luka or Kira today. It was Fifth Names Day, and she had a special present planned for Adrien. It was a black beret, and she only needed to make a card to complete the gift.

She sat through every class, nervously fidgeting and sneaking glances at Adrien. She had just finished her test, and was admiring his golden hair in the front row.

"You got that answer wrong."

She yelped, and jumped out of her seat. Chloe laughed from across the room, and as she got back into her chair, she accidentally hit her head with Kira's, who was sitting on her side of the table, going over her paper.

"In fact, most of these are incorrect. You know how there's always that one answer that's easy to eliminate because it's so outlandish? Well that's the one you've chosen on nearly all of these."

Marinette shoved him back to his side, "That's none of your business! And besides, if my grade starts to drop maybe I can get Adrien to tutor me."

Kira smirked, something he usually didn't do, "Or his dad will just kick you out before you can even make it through the front gate... again."

He was almost starting to get used to being a teenager, his sarcasm came back in full force at least. She stammered as she tried to think of a response, not considering how he knew she had been rejected the day before.

"Well, uh, you're..."

She trailed off, and directed her focus back to her test. She gasped, and she saw Kira hold in a laugh. Every answer had been changed. Before she could erase even one of them, the teacher, a kind woman named Caline Bustier, took the papers back to her desk to grade them.

Marinette sighed, there was no way she was going to pass now that Kira had messed with her work. She began thinking of the huge mass of flowers that Chloe had given to Adrien for his Fifth Names Day, right in front of the whole class. Sometimes she wasn't sure if the bratty girl actually liked Adrien or she was just trying to upset her archenemy with the expensive displays.

Miss Bustier stood up, she was about to read the grades in front of the class. At the very bottom, with a score of one, was Chloe. Marinette was surprised she didn't get a zero, Kira must have accidentally guessed a few right.

As the list went on, she heard Kira's name called, he got an exact 85. He seemed to think that was satisfactory, and leaned back in his seat.

"And finally, our top two scorers!"

There were three students that hadn't been called yet, Adrien, Marinette, and Lila.

Marinette was sure that she'd gotten a zero now, sometimes instead of calling them out, Miss Bustier would keep them after class to discuss punishment for failing so miserably.

"At second place, with an impressive score of 99, we have a tie... Adrien!"

Adrien smiled, and Marinette scoffed. Lila must have lied so she could cheat off of Max, who sat beside her for the test. The girl was always lying about anything she could. Marinette had caught her in the act before, and only Adrien truly believed her. Now she was lying to get the best grades. Miss Bustier continued,

"And in first place with a perfect score... Marinette!"

Marinette nearly fell to the floor. There was no way that Kira had adjusted her paper to the point that every question was correct. It must have been a mistake, if he knew all the answers, why didn't he get a perfect score on his own paper?

Their teacher smiled, and dismissed the class, on the way out, Marinette heard her request that Lila stay to discuss her score. She knew it was wrong, but Marinette couldn't hold back a grin.

She quickly searched for Kira, half to thank him, and half to ask him what exactly he did with her test when she wasn't looking.

He had already disappeared from the courtyard, and she didn't have time to look for him. She checked the time on her phone, and headed towards the Agreste mansion, Adrien's gift in her hands.

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